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Bunch of crooks. Legal action should be taken.
What happened to all the orders they had signed with the promise of funding that was secure to fill those orders? A publicly traded company does not get to ride out into the sunset loosing $62,397,152 of investors money with no answer. I would bet money that the SEC is investigating this company and all the players involved. Tim Hassett no updates in years? That usually means you're trying to hide from people.
How low can it go? Just like the people who run this company
How low can it go? Just like the people who run this company
How low can it go? Just like the people who run this company
And by the way after purchasing 260,000 shares from these assholes, I am still not able to deposit the Stock certificate
Tim and his douche bag, friends, including Zig Ziegler and Brian Duffy two scumbags that sold their shares to innocent people telling them that this is a game changing company. It’s a good time for a lawsuit to take control over the pattern sell the pattern pay off the shareholders bunch of douche bags, a big FU to Tim if you’re still alive
We all ignored red flags. Team full of liars. Sell the damn patents. No one in their right mind is going to do business with them.
I went to visit the company a few years ago at the address provided on the website. When I asked where Cool Technologies, Inc. was located, I was told that they did not have an office there and only received mail there. I also made several attempts to contact them with no luck. I should have learned my lesson but I thought it was a good company. Also, their SEC filings were not on time and contained little information.
Wonder if shareholders have any legal recourse against these criminals?
Tizy I also have just slightly over 1 million shares that I’ve purchased over the last 10 years I even purchased at $1.25 a share which is sad all because of Tim saying that he has all these deals in several different countries which most of it was a complete make up lie and it is not fair to the shareholders. You don’t tell the public that your company is doing really really good and has possible contracts and has contracts just a lot of talking and no action someone should be held accountable for this. I understand when companies do bad, but when the CEO stands by his company and says that it is growing in a record pace and this technology is, a game changer to the industry that’s not right I’ve lost over $140,000 on stock and it is my fault. There should be a law or some kind of guidance on all these companies that supply news to the public. Very very sad again, sell the pattern and distribute the money to the shareholders and by the way Tim why don’t you sell this company to someone and get out of the way what a douche bag
I dumped my holdings. Fortunately I had only a 2,000 shares of this so it was basically no losses. Simply wanted to clear my portfolio out of junk.
And management continues to be silent. Classless and unprofessional.
I think we are done
I think we are done
Is it Finally over. No word from the incompetents running this sham of a company
I don't expect it to be tbh lol. High risk high reward is the name of the otc Game
How many pumps can a game company have?
It’s not a real company. No tangible product.
Gotta think there is 1 more pump to come. Finding bottom is my priority #1
How could this stock be trading? At what point do you say let’s shut this down sell the patents pay off the shareholders do the right thing.
What a horrible company what a disappointment back in 2001 when I started buying shares, this company seem to have a lot of opportunity and over the years fizzled out. Worst part about it is the CEO doesn’t even want to be bothered with his own shareholders. You should inform your shareholders not only when your company is doing fabulous, but even when your company is at its low, something , lift up the morale of the company it’s people and shareholders what a disappointment the time has come to step down do the right thing! Sell the patents and distribute the money back to the shareholders. ???
Warm is doing great!!!! 😟
No - including Tim and company.
I’m hoping!!!!!! But haven’t heard any news
Anyone still holding out hope something will happen with this? Thinking I should have sold in Dec for a write off.
Anyone have any news on WARM
This guy gets it.
LOL— you were here for years. Then I guess you rode
That .0033 to .09 like some of us…. 4-5 years for me amigo. Stop complaining turd
Sunday, August 20, 2023 9:18:11 AM
of 5691
This one is about to launch...IMO OTC heating up...
When you are good you are good.. lol.....
1 plus 1 .... we nailed that one.... wink wink!!
OTC is heating up....
This company is not even a company. They have no product. This is just another pump and dump. Makes Tim his extra $100k per year with what ever he scams he is involved in
Who cares they pumped it to .10 two years ago let’s roll again
Because I’ve been here for years. You are just another pump n dump chump. They show up periodically.
No, i have more shares than you.
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