Not for nothing, but when nwbo shareholders signed up for the incompetence of Linda powers as ceo, I thought we also retained Linda's incompetent investment banking abilities aswell. Is linda powers saying sue keil has a better skill set and investment banking contacts and acumen as herself? I actually thought investment banking would be Linda's strong skill set!
So keil and innes sit in offices all day while Linda powers dilutes the bejesus out of what's left in this company. This strategy has left shareholders with 20 cents of equity. Well done powers.
What are your thoughts on this Sue Keil revelation
Dr B, I don’t read the board all the time, but I suspect that there has been speculation that this revelation means that Northwest is going to be acquired, but this is probably just wishful thinking. If Northwest was entertaining buyout offers, they would likely hire an investment bank like Goldman Sacs or Centerview Partners, who are very familiar with this type of acquisition, and we wouldn’t know about it until it was announced.
I think this revelation is just another indication that Linda Powers and Les Goldman have less time to wear all the hats they previously did, and are hiring new personnel to fill some of these key roles. (like they said they would at the ASM) I think Northwest is anticipating that they will have a higher profile after the trial results are announced, and that new sources of capital will be required, as well as companies that will want to partner. I think she will be responsible for assisting with these types of transactions.