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11/21/19 12:21 PM

#266890 RE: BubbaInSC #266872

That entire claim and content is pure unsupported shit. Easily refuted.

It is EXACTLY because of their expertise that allowed them to accomplish everything in a reasonable time frame. The entire process of bringing up a new supplier design manufacturing and supply chain does not happen over night. For an example of a company full of shit on about like that see EAPH's headline 'Bought a bakery in April 2018 and will have $20 M in revenue in the first year through Major retailer from scratch!' now they are...suspended by the SEC without a dime in revenue.

Helps investors to understand real world scenarios in business manufacturing and supply chain.

The theme on Morning and bring up the BK is also a complete false bullshit narrative

’Why did Morning go bankrupt?’ The simple answer is IT DOESN’T MATTER The basics of BK is insolvency to pay creditors. There is no other 'reason.’ Morning went through that process, and all obligations were wiped, and FUNN acquired them with a clean slate. The specifics beyond that are meaningless. Morning is a small design house, their core capability is a creative think tank, designing and developing new GAMES. It is not surprising the young team may have not had the experience with all the support and infrastructure that goes in to the supply chain or simply ran out of money to do it. What IS important, is Morning was acquired off a BK with a CLEAN SLATE. No debts or obligations what-so-ever. (Though we rightly honored the KS KTU backer, see below for that bullshit claim.) So now we have a whole new revenue stream kicking in, producing games at the highest margins for FUNN for the retail holiday season. These will be the first self published games in a long line of future publications. Continuing to foster and build the brand. FUNN has created an entire NEW CAPABILITY and is now starting to capitalize on it. Folks may not realize how amazing it is to bring up a whole RD department and now have a product going out for revenues in one year. A large majority of pink stocks, the ENTIRE company is simply RD that may NEVER see a dime in year and year while the OS goes up. Not FUNN. This is JUST ONE MORE MULTI MILLION REVENUE STREAM OPENING UP! The current Board Game Market is 12 BILLION. Snakes has taken the first step on the path to becoming a player in the publishing industry. That is awesome!

This claim is simply total crap and disconnected from reality.

The equipment for manufacturing product are automated and run off computers. This probably isn't the "new" supplier's first rodeo.

That statement is an incredible over simplification of the process, completely disconnect from reality. There is NO process in the world where you just hit a couple of buttons on a computer and its done. Ridiculous.

Are you saying that the Original Morning Crew didn't know the specs of the card game? and that prior specs had to be totally changed?

Design specification need to be created, cad files or solidworks or the like, then ensure quality checks with new molds created and brought up. Composite materials testing, mold extrusion processes, and the language and regulatory compliance work. Machine tolerances worked out, understanding between engineers to be worked through. Raw material supply and specifications. Qualifications of the line, tweeks and requals.

ONCE EVERYTHING is DONE, then it MOVE to a much more standard 'automated' process. Which is where we are NOW. We can crank out copies of KTU and ship them around the world. The FIRST time is MUCH more involved.

That the staff never encountered issues w/ Customs?

It is another oversimplification to think customs is static. They are always changing, customs are always changing, one might easily have something flagged or any reason that wasn't expected. Customs is not so simple and straight forward. ESPECIALLY when you have product coming from CHINA. As they get used to larger orders and the company, the relationship will get smoother over time.

There are no 'EXCUSES' here, that is a bullshit statement. There is only BUSINESS, and overcoming all the little nuances that happen in business.