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11/13/19 2:41 PM

#251380 RE: alexander77 #251376

Yes, and as usual, can't be all positive. "pinpointing the highs and lows" of clinical development to date"

Why not just the positives!


11/14/19 1:09 PM

#251656 RE: alexander77 #251376

Boston summit Dec 11 & Dec 12

11:40 am
DCVax Technology: Leveraging Activated Dentritic Cells in Clinical 40 for GBM
Marnix Bosch
CTO, Northwest Biotherapeutics

I noticed that Dendritic was spelled incorrectly.
I found that the title of this presentation is "odd" ,,, what is meant by "in Clinical 40 for GBM"?? Turns out that NWBO appears to be aware that this title of this presentation needs correction, and they have been making request for the correction. I do not know what the correct title should be ... but not as shown.