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11/12/19 9:44 PM

#251227 RE: HappyLibrarian #251222

Look, I have no idea what happened. I just know it was something in the US that Germany didn’t seem to have an issue with. And NWBO extended the hold to Europe to prevent any unfair advantage, whatever that may mean. If you look at the recent lawsuit filed by that small biotech against the FDA for putting them on a hold I find that it says a lot about some random shit the FDA does in a paternalistic way that has more to do with ego than with science. I’m not saying that lawsuit is rational, or reasonable, but it does show frustrations with the system when there appears to be an unfair application of perhaps arbitrary judgments by regulators.

As far as being able to discuss it, there may be something under the surface that was cooking that was a huge new finding that Germany had the foresight to understand and the US balked at. I find this to be a very plausible, albeit speculative, thing.