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11/09/19 4:29 PM

#56728 RE: lenny_squiggy #56726

6. The other solutions are good enough and we are used to losing X% to counterfeits.


11/09/19 9:12 PM

#56729 RE: lenny_squiggy #56726

Cyber terror threats greater than ever Lenny. Stupid-ass politics killed our role. Kendall mandate, Hell, Kendall's office was eliminated by Republicans in 2016 before Trump. No Under Secretary filling the position required to support our program was appointed last time I checked back this summer.

Damn shame. Couple other technologies starting to get adopted that maybe more suitible (I like SHIELD where a microdot size chip serves as an auto immune antibody. Detecting and reporting invasive hardware.

We could still serve in shipments. Be scared. Navy ship crashes a couple of years ago. Several active duty careefs cut short for trumped up negligence charges. Ahhh, others feel corrupted NSN Class 5961 semiconductor circuits.

I do feel we're expensive. Perfect for marijuana and synthetics.

Need another way to get there. AWe should be leading the growing genotyping/ fibertyping sector. Not even a whimper from that


11/10/19 7:54 AM

#56730 RE: lenny_squiggy #56726

There is something wrong with the efficacy of the marking system. This was brought up at the last conference call and it relates directly to failed testing with Colorcon pharma customers.

No updates on this.