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11/05/19 6:48 PM

#261710 RE: Fanaloka #261709

Looking forward to grammatically-fixed audit Wednesday/Thursday worse-case


11/05/19 6:48 PM

#261711 RE: Fanaloka #261709

Seminar = party. More than 1 day imo. No fins this week imo. GLTA.


11/05/19 6:59 PM

#261713 RE: Fanaloka #261709

Unfortunately, nobody in the company knows...not even Roger. Maybe RBSM accepts everything tomorrow and signs off. Maybe they continue to request more changes and delays the procees even more. At some point, it will get done, which is what matters.

If I felt Roger was trying to deceive me, I would not be spending any time around this neck of the woods. How does it help by becoming demanding when RBSM is pretty much holding us hostage until they sign off? Imagine how Roger and Ben must feel with all the stress they are going through from both RBSM and the shareholders.

In fact, how many shareholders took the time to congratulate upper management when backers received their copies of KTU or when Tempe first opened? It's easy to find fault and be demanding when it is the company making the effort to bring the growth and potential.

I am thankful to have the opportunity to make good money when we get past this audit ordeal.