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11/05/19 9:34 AM

#261497 RE: jaggerxj6 #261495

lol, go ahead. If he is a competent lawyer he will laugh at you.


11/05/19 9:34 AM

#261498 RE: jaggerxj6 #261495

Such a narrative. There is confidence to hold because of a long and strong positive outlook. Plus Shareholders are looking to buy even more shares; because of that confidence and the knowledge that FUNN is a highly performing and highly undervalued company.

But at the same time there is discussion of suits?

So talking to a judge:


'What fraud did FUNN commit? Was there insider trading; ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, advanced fee Schemes, foreign currency fraud, broker embezzlement, hedge fund related fraud, and late-day trading?’


'Well none of that, but they put out target dates and they didn't make them. We expect the stock to go up, only up, on our timetable.'


'Ok, when these dates were put out, did they simultaneously use paid promoters to artificially inflate the stock while dumping a bunch of shares?'


‘Well no, actually the AS/OS has gone down in total over the past 3 years’


'Did they cite revenues that didn’t exist and sold shares based on the information put out?'


‘Well no, in fact the initial audited financials proves there is massive growth in the millions, which is the top 1% of all pinks. Plus the locations have doubled since then, and the massive growth is obviously via all sorts of evidence.’


'Did they use massive unspoken floorless toxic financing and promote they didn’t?'


‘Well no, all their financing is at market rate. Its actually really rare for a pink company to never use any toxic financing and have the ability to get financing at market rate. On top of that, Roger personally put up his own money to acquire Morning so we would not have to dilute. He wants the share structure in the best shape possible to reward all the shareholders who have supported the company since the beginning of when he took over.’


'Did they ever use paid promoters to artificially inflate the stock while dumping a bunch of shares?'


‘Well no, in fact Roger made a specific statement on never using paid promoters. He wanted to focus on building the company first and then getting a reputable IR firm that would grow with the company. Heck some of the investors want Roger to get some paid promoters, we tell him to please use them, but he said using them while stop signed and before the uplist would not be the right thing to do.’


‘What is the current outlook and position of the company?’


‘Well it is incredibly strong. In fact there has never been a long term negative outlook. We plan to buy as many shares as we can even, adding to our pile. There is overwhelming evidence to show what a highly performing and crazy undervalued company FUNN represents.’


‘So we love the company, and we want more shares. They have not actually done anything that would constitute fraud in any way, in fact all the evidence shows a Growth company growing, with Increasing quality recurring revenues in the millions. Its a BGC Leader in burgeoning multi billion dollar market. There No mass dilution or toxic financing and the overall AS/OS has gone DOWN since Roger took over. FUNN now controls the total supply chain from development to retail. They are going through the auditing process, and the Initial Audit is in, while FY18, FY19 and Q1FY2020 will hit any day propelling FUNN to that next level of growth? Just we don’t like the variation on the pink market that has allowed us to accumulate a bunch of shares?’


‘Well yeah, but we really, really want it NOW!’


‘FUNN eh? Hmm, case dismissed and court adjourned. I need to go buy some FUNN shares!’



11/05/19 9:35 AM

#261499 RE: jaggerxj6 #261495

lol good luck!


11/05/19 9:35 AM

#261501 RE: jaggerxj6 #261495

when will you start? in two weeks ?


11/05/19 9:36 AM

#261502 RE: jaggerxj6 #261495

How is it corrupt misinformation when the INDEPENDENT AUDITING FIRM is not finished yet?????


11/05/19 9:37 AM

#261505 RE: jaggerxj6 #261495

Most likely tell you to relax lol, this is just the painful part of the process. Once done we will never look back and it appears soon as he stated last night. Patients pays here imo. $FUNN