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11/04/19 7:57 PM

#45166 RE: ReservedRisk #45165

$Gold The week ahead.



11/05/19 7:57 AM

#45168 RE: ReservedRisk #45165

LOL. You sure are good at talking out both sides of your mouth...

Let me help you out there junior, using your own words...

Lmao.. because the 3x levarage against the underying commodity that was headed down..

Just because NUGT has fared well against Gold since you've arrived on this board doesn't mean that's always true.

It's no longer headed down, and that's why I arrived..

GOLD WAS ONLY "DOWN" $0.30 ON THE DAY. That's flat, not down. And NUGT was down just shy of 5% on that flat move. But, but, just said it's no longer headed down in comparison to Gold???? That means NUGT should have been much closer to flat, even with the leverage. LMAO.

Ohhh, got your $29 and then some this morning. "Lucky". haha. If you like it at $'ll LOVE it at $28 or $27 or...

ya, ya, we know...the tariff/China news is all BS and this Gold move isn't real, right? BUT, you know what is real...??? The money you're losing on NUGT by being too stubborn to understand how this stuff works from folks who've traded it for over half a decade! (And don't tell us you're not losing yourself stated yesterday you need to average down).

You keep presuming Gold will get to 1550 or higher. Guess what, until it actually's all just 'hope', not reality. That's why trying to time/guess on NUGT is a losing proposition every time, especially for a long term hold. The built-in decay will kill you.

And of course NUGT would go higher "if" Gold got to that level, but how much can/will it go down/chop in the meantime...THAT's the aspect you just don't seem to comprehend! NUGT. DOES. NOT. FOLLOW. GOLD. DIRECTLY. PERIOD.

If these techs roll over again, NUGT gets smashed no matter how much hype you post on here about the Fed, debt, blah blah blah. Trade the chart you have, not the chart you want.