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Talc Moan

10/29/19 10:13 PM

#7344 RE: BLight1911 #7343

I sent the images to Janice Shell and posted the links to her board. She is one of the most trusted on ihub. Regardless if you like her or not.

So stop with the bull shit and just ask her.

MILV is doing a 1000-1 reverse split and many other things I posted exactly what is in the letter.

It’s no bull shit and regardless if you wanna except it or not November 5th is the shareholder meeting like I posted. So show up and see for yourself


10/29/19 10:15 PM

#7345 RE: BLight1911 #7343

Who deleted his post?


10/29/19 10:21 PM

#7348 RE: BLight1911 #7343

Or, you could phrase it like this ...

One person posted a picture and asked for it to be removed when he got flamed/yelled at. Another person independently posted the mail he got, which was exactly the same. And a third poster, who also corroborated the mail, decided to send it straight to Janice Shell, who has now seen and commented about it.

I understand you don’t believe, but you used some pretty slanted/biased language man.

What are the alternate theories?

1) The letter is real, and somebody tricked/scammed the brokers into sending us letters? This had to come from them because they listed how many shares we held.

2) Four (or more) people decided to fake letters and very publicly commit fraud, while faking the custodians signature? How horribly stupid would that be? And why hasn’t the custodian chimed in if somebody fraudulently signed his name and forged corporate documents purporting to be coming from him/his company?

Both of those seem just as far-fetched, no?

I’ve held this for months. I’ll take photos tomorrow of the envelope and the actual proxy vote page and post them here, though I doubt it’ll do any good.

I sincerely hope the letter is fake, somehow, but knowing what I know (that it came in my mail today and nobody from the company has refuted it), I don’t see a good reason to doubt its authenticity.

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