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10/28/19 5:17 PM

#249254 RE: HappyLibrarian #249127


My post was nothing really new, just better explained perhaps in terms of what folks might understand. I have consistently stated NWBO would do whatever it takes to get across the finish line. NWBO did not make the rules and there is no "end justifies the means" being employed by them or me. They are simply playing with the rule book given to them and using a strategy that gets them to the end of the game without becoming a loser to their opponent's strategy. To those playing in this arena, including investors, the rules are like those who go to a casino or other forms of gambling with house rules. The rules favor the house of course and those playing know this ahead of time.

When Jesus was approached with the dilemma of living a moral life in an immoral world he responded by asking for a coin and then asking whose image was on it. The answer to that was Caesar's. Jesus then said to render to Caesar what was his and render to God what belonged to him. So you see, NWBO is playing by the "rules of Caesar" while trying to serve a greater purpose. While you might see NWBO's actions as serving Caesar and immoral as those trying to catch Jesus were implying about him, NWBO is seeking to meet an unmet need of health care for us all in a system controlled by Caesar so to speak so the morality and justifucatikn is not in the process controled by Caesar but rather in the spirit of the purpose being pursued and not even the end result. The struggle to hold true to the spirit of the purpose for advancing the DCVAX platform has been immense. Making sure this is accomplished and not sidelined by the agendas of others has been an enormous task. Dr. Linda Liau has been able to hold the moral high ground in this process because of the grunt work by NWBO. Best wishes.