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10/27/19 8:22 PM

#37558 RE: iamthe walrus #37556

Crtg.. Michael KRAFTY sure made a believer out of someone on the board! You know, Krafty and Coretec are just COPYING what the ORIGINAL Inventors said: "That the CHS will extend the Storage power of Batteries which could lead to a revolution in Industry in general!!!" Those aren't the words of KRAFTY or any Coretec Official, it was stolen from the abstract of the Patent! Those Guys are really believing their own words, that they are the Inventors of something that has about the same characteristics of the Original Invention in NDSU's hands! Boys in the Office, you have to say something more advanced, not just what the Original product Spec's are, which have been PR'd by Crtg staff years ago, and which they want everyone to believe is CRTG's Invention!

Some "Basement" Inventor has to come-up-with something a lot more advanced than just repeat what others have been saying for years! And Krafty and his Associates are nothing more than than purely Amateur Inventors who only have a Ruler, a Hammer, a Pistle & a bowl, and a Screwdriver to create a new product that overrules all the Patents now in NDSU's hands! I hate to see good people on this Board take the bait like a hungry fish in the water! It is terrible what CRTG is doing, and as Far as I am concerned Simon Calton is just as delusional as those who will always believe that the EARTH is Flat? He is just being Krafty's or CRTG's PUPPET, who listens instead of thinks! Sad, but it is their money, they can do with it as they Please!!

Why don't you folks answer the Q's I posed in my last Post, and NOT just try to get around them by talking more hype, and totally disregard the Substance!!!

Those CRTG people want everyone to believe that the CHS stuff is theirs, not NDSU's holdings or property! To me, unless I see the Documents proving their allegations, I will view anything anyone says from CRTG's main Office as a "Snowjob" that is designed to lure in Weak Fish with their hard earned money? I am sorry, but I would still buy in if NDSU Contracted with some other Company, but not with CRTG anymore!!!

Why doesn't the Front Office respect the Investor's Q's and concerns and be honest about all that has gone on, and what is going on now! By the Way, the Lady who contracted with CRTG in the first place, is no longer with NDSU's Product development department, or no longer with NDSU PERIOD!!!! Can't some people realize what a cutthroat area this Penny Stock field is! I wish Krafty and the others the best, but please DO NOT snowball us with old news or just conjecture on your part?? GL Pegs & the other holders!!!