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Saving Grace

10/18/19 12:33 PM

#4558 RE: DewDiligence #4557

I disagree as the FCF was just in the beginning stages of being returned to shareholders. Nobody believed when I said the dividend was coming back in the first place.

Shorts are going to be caught chasing this with the sizable special dividend that's about to be delivered to shareholders.

Shorts already came down to 95mm short from 99mm but won't be enough to save their bank from the disaster they are about to face. Shorts got greedy and will soon pay the price for their mistake being comfortable with it.

Lorenco needed the increasing Free Cash Flow to become more stable which it now is and he is going to slam shorts really hard this time around. This is how you remove shorts off a stock in one swift blow. They won't have enough time to pick it apart this time around.

Shorts are going to be in a world of trouble very shortly.