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10/17/19 4:28 PM

#213243 RE: Pennydream #213242

It continues to be "rob Peter (us shareholders) to pay Paul (Mark/George/Ram)".

They made about $200k each the last couple years. That plus operating expenses probably runs them about $750k a year so that's the target I would image.

The real problem is they don't produce anything. Their product(s) were developed years ago so I really don't understand what they are doing except taking peoples money to pay for their own salaries. Yes, that right, I said it, taking peoples money aka stealing. They've drank so much of their own kool-aid that they are addicted to what they spew.

One person alone could have produced more products and sales and ran the business better in 5 years than they have in 18+.

I'm not a pumper or a dumper, but these guys ($200k a year, REALLY?) are not producing. They are a real company, with a real office, with a real suite of products but that all just legitimizes the 'scam' they've been running I believe at this point.

Either that, or they are all just incompetent and need to be replaced.

Someone once posted that this company was not about the lawsuit(s) but the deals and revenue. To me, and why I invested, was because of the patents and the naive notion that the patents would hold up in court and the share price would go up significantly.

Shame on me.

Some will say "sell" "get out" "stop complaining" but I've made some money and I've lost some money and I don't like my money being taken and get nothing in return.

I can't make the shareholder's meeting, but I hope the sh!t hits the fan and these guys are called out.

(Oh and I haven't even mentioned what a sham the "BlockSafe" thing is or was, if that hasn't opened your eyes then nothing will)

I will sign off saying good luck because I hope folks here at least break even some how but then I hope these SFT guys have to go get a real job.