What I want to know is if this is the same stuff a company came and showed us. the item was great for first aid kits to help stop bleeding. it starts as a gauze material and once it gets wet it turns into a gel. so once it touches the blood it starts doing its thing. and since its a gel it can get in and close up cuts of any shape. the lady telling us about it said it was from israel and brain surgeons are using it as there are no known side effects or allergies from it. your body naturally dissolves it as it turns into a glucose/sugar so they dont have to go back in and remove it. She said because of US rules though there were stupid rules they had to work around to get it here but they did and I think the packaging had to be slightly different or something dumb but as simple as that. I was reading on this in one of the reports and couldn't believe we are distributing it as the 3rd party. wish it was ours entirely lol