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10/14/19 11:17 PM

#6367 RE: richbob #6366

That was always my thought on Japan too. I have not heard of anything on Korea either. Makes one wonder if they were ever really serious.

spec machine

10/19/19 10:00 AM

#6368 RE: richbob #6366

Since the original Pilot-Plant trials of the BFRE unique process were run in Japan, I have wondered why they didn't work out a further deal with BFRE soon after that, since its economics for ethanol production seemed so good?

You have been given the answer YEARS AGO, you just ignored it because you didn't like it

The answer is that Bluefire NEVER revealed the true cost of pilot scale production or complete estimates of the same costs at a scaled up production facility

Conspicuously absent were the costs of the waste stream generated by the acid hydrolysis

A classic deception, focus on the WOW and ignore the full scope of reality

It never worked profitably, but more importantly it proved (upon closer inspection by potential partners) that it couldn't ever be reasonably expected to achieve profitability at scale (including the "economy of scale" factor)

Their current status is PROOF that nobody who got a full disclosure of costs was interested AT ALL

Investors were LIED TO BY OMISSION of critical cost factors

now you have the answer AGAIN

Anyone can post how remarkable, and beautiful, and profitable, and spiritual, and honest, and futuristic, the process is

But it just..... isn't


spec machine

04/06/20 2:12 PM

#6378 RE: richbob #6366

Also, I cannot find out what happened with the deal with Korea to build a plant and produce Sucrose for them to make ethanol and/or other final cellulosic products. Has anyone here have any info on this?

Wow! no news yet??


gee willikers, I thought Bluefire had the best and cheapest conversion of cellulose to ethanol

but it looks like they didn't

now they just have the cheapest stock

I told everyone this is where it was headed
