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The New Guy 54

10/11/19 10:41 AM

#24387 RE: Interested one #24385

Thinking with my pockets I would have to agree, I wouldn’t waste the money unless i felt I truly justified and wronged.

I was just brainstorming motives and thinking out loud to hear others perspective on it. Nobody really wants to have an open discussion about it though, which is kind of disappointing being that is what this platform was supposed to be originally designed and created for.

Supposed to have a PR very soon addressing this as per Stephen Mills yesterday morning.

Hoping next court date judge gives a final judgement.

Got some dry powder set aside and alerts for hearing updates as well as news from Co.

Won’t touch until confirmation is received. Will happily chase if need be.
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10/11/19 2:18 PM

#24395 RE: Interested one #24385

Could also be interpreted another way considering it hasnt been resolved, ZMRK really want to know what happened to the missing 50k. If they are raking their time, means either they are confisent it is not a rm deal breaker. Being good with management is not handing out free money or shares if they really cant account for the 50k exchange for the millions of shares. Something sketchy here. I wouldve done the same. At this early stage, investors are very wishy washy anyway. Its all about the long term. I am sure if APL said get this done or the deal is off, im sure it wouldve already been resolved.