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10/02/19 4:13 PM

#212684 RE: BIOChecker4 #212682

For the most part, journalism has been reduced to re-writing information spoon fed from lobbyists or PR agencies.

This is incorrect:

Of course they're already aware! They know how to do simple research. They have processes.

The sort of research that has been done on this board is beyond the capabilities of most stock analysts and healthcare and business journalists.


10/02/19 4:32 PM

#212686 RE: BIOChecker4 #212682

But you look past all of that and still own shares. Truly impressive!


10/02/19 5:27 PM

#212699 RE: BIOChecker4 #212682

That's not been my experience when I've reached out to so-called analysts and authors of articles who respond by saying that they've never heard of Anavex. LOL They are mostly lazy and only cover the large established popular companies. It's how their bread gets buttered. It's rather pathetic.


10/02/19 5:32 PM

#212701 RE: BIOChecker4 #212682

YEAH! just look at BIOGEN! they aren't STUPID!

which way did he go
which way did he go?

anyone else remember this cartoon?
with the big sheep dog chasing the Fox?


10/02/19 11:04 PM

#212733 RE: BIOChecker4 #212682

Of course they're already aware! They know how to do simple research. They have processes. They look at Anavex, they see a history of sketchy stock promotion, then they talk to their knowledgeable sources (including MDs/PhDs) for their educated opinions, and then they take a pass. We've seen this over and over again. The people who actually know what they're looking at and aren't emotional investors won't touch Anavex or Missling with a 10-foot pole.

Just curious is this the late stage boilerplate verbiage that is used to continue to squash all the positive to date trial data? Is that the best you can do? Support ignoring the data until "we" give you the nod.



10/03/19 1:32 AM

#212738 RE: BIOChecker4 #212682

So the first thing someone researching Anavex today does is starting by discovering some Seeking Alpha bloggers ‘revealing’ the corner printing shop scam that Anavex is and in the process completely ignores the present context leading them to dismiss everything current about Anavex and the science?

Biochecking at its finest.