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09/26/19 9:22 PM

#48638 RE: JohnnyLightwave #48637

“Ribbon bonds” at 40 GHz or more? I worked in the MMIC world for a number of years and we used multiple “wire bonds” in various configurations as well as ribbon bonds in certain areas. From that experience I can say that large loops kill performance. Bonding to far back from a substrate transition edge kills performance. From the picture in the presentation they could make some changes mechanically in their build to bolster performance. Any thoughts on this?

Your direct experience in this area probably exceeds mine. Wire bonds have always been the weak link in the chain from an RF standpoint. No means of controlling impedance...little tiny antennas radiating energy and receiving crosstalk from other signals. Problems will only get worse as 5G rolls out at W-band with frequencies at >90GHz.

If I understood ML correctly at the previous AGM, their biggest challenge was getting good optical coupling rather than RF signal attachment issues. It appears they have successfully worked the optical issues with the very good insertion loss (S21) performance shown in the graphs.