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09/18/19 11:38 PM

#75712 RE: munimi #75621

Unreal, why is this a sticky?

Conway is out.

Mods please remove and include recent information.

So much info available regarding recently filed 8k.

92M in revs in first 6 months from silencer muffler tech for 2019

20M in revs from 3D Glasses free tech from 2018



09/19/19 1:22 AM

#75735 RE: munimi #75621

You’ll have that! Fact of the matter is those people lost their money from an investment in a different company. This is a new company taking over the LIBE ticker symbol. Expect a name and ticker symbol change in the near future.


09/19/19 2:21 AM

#75741 RE: munimi #75621

This is a New company dude


09/19/19 6:52 AM

#75758 RE: munimi #75621

Lamenting the fate of previous bag holders is completely irrelevant to this stock. This post should be unstickied, at minimum.


09/19/19 1:18 PM

#76194 RE: munimi #75621

If this isn’t a scam, then one question. Why can’t the company take a small portion of millions in profit to fund operations instead of entering into new toxic debt?
Just last month on 8/15/2019 company acquired $215,000 of convertible debt at 33% interest.
Then another $69,875 just a couple weeks ago on 9/3/2019 at 40% interest.


09/20/19 11:38 AM

#76908 RE: munimi #75621

Ya and no one ever said there were any guarantees in life! And especially here on the OTC. Been here long enough, you're gonna get burned. The question is did you take enough profit before any # of things go wrong? So you can live to fight another day?

So, get off the cross - we need the lumber!!!! We're building something here!!!

NOTHING you do can change the past - NOTHING! Move forward... Got it?


10/09/19 2:45 PM

#82178 RE: munimi #75621

What makes this sticky have value ?


11/18/19 12:29 PM

#84644 RE: munimi #75621

Any updates since September ?