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09/16/19 8:31 PM

#210081 RE: georgejjl #210079

Please, read and comment

Supporting the clinical assessments, plasma levels of the biomarker Glutamate also decreased significantly (Week 0 vs. Week 7; 2-tailed Wilcoxon signed rank test, p = 0.046) and levels of Glutamate at Week 7 were directly correlated with CGI-I scores at Week 7 (2-tailed Spearman’s rho = 0.837, p = 0.038) with greater decreases in Glutamate associated with greater improvement in these efficacy scores.

Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and is known to be higher in patients with Rett syndrome compared to healthy subjects in the brain, as measured by magnetic resonance imaging spectroscopy (MRS), as well as in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood plasma.

Additionally, the magnitude of GABA change was inversely correlated with the magnitude of decrease in RSBQ Total scores (2-tailed Spearman’s rho = -0.812, p = 0.050) and GABA changes demonstrated an inverse correlation of the magnitude of Glutamate changes (2-tailed Spearman’s rho = -0.829, p = 0.042).

GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, known to be deficient in animal models of Rett syndrome. Excitatory-inhibitory imbalances postulated in many neurologic disorders, including Rett syndrome, have been linked to imbalances between Glutamate and GABA

So ideally, we want glutamate to decrease and GABA to increase as a result of treatment with Anavex 2-73 and/or Anavex 3-71.


Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease with motor and non-motor symptoms. In Parkinson's disease, a neurotransmitter imbalance occurs in the extrapyramidal system with a dopamine and GABA deficiency and an acetylcholine and glutamate surplus.


So ideally, we want glutamate to decrease and GABA to increase as a result of treatment with Anavex 2-73 and/or Anavex 3-71.

GABA and Glutamate in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The ability to cause the death of brain cells is why glutamate is believed to be involved in some degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease.) (Note: FMS and ME/CFS are NOT believed to be degenerative.)

In FMS, research shows abnormally high levels of glutamate in a part of the brain called the insula or insular cortex. Researchers went looking there because that area is highly involved in pain and emotion, which are key components of the condition. The insula is also involved in sensory perception, motor skills, anxiety, eating disorders, and addiction.

GABA stands for gamma-amino-n-butyric acid. Your brain uses glutamate to produce GABA.

A primary function of GABA is to calm your brain. It's also involved in sleep, relaxation, anxiety regulation, and muscle function.

GABA is believed to be either low or inefficiently used in FMS. Thus far, research does not suggest GABA dysregulation in ME/CFS.

Because of GABA and glutamate's close relationship, symptoms of brain GABA deficiency may resemble, or overlap with, those of brain glutamate excess.

So ideally, we want glutamate to decrease and GABA to increase as a result of treatment with Anavex 2-73 and/or Anavex 3-71.

ON and ON and ON

The limitless pill Anavex 2-73 and/or Anavex 3-71.

Good luck and GOD bless,


09/16/19 8:35 PM

#210082 RE: georgejjl #210079

Next? Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s?

Can't ask for much better at one low dose daily within the first 7 weeks.
We wonder what the results might be after a longer treatment and possibly a higher dose.


But ponder how any similar results announced for either the Anavex Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s trial might be received. Rett syndrome is extremely rare, unknown to all but a few medical people. Everyone has family members or acquaintances debilitated by Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

Such an announcement might make the front page of any number of front line newspapers. “New Drug Shows Positive Results.” Fill in the rest yourself. For Alzheimer’s; for Parkinson’s? Will it make any difference?

Once there is an evidence-supported basis of efficacy for either disease, 21st-century medicine will be changed dramatically. Every Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s stakeholder will have to re-think everything known and perceived about either disease. Patients and care givers will have authentic hope. Physicians will have to re-think how they treat patients with either of those diseases. Medical care institutions, particularly nursing homes and long-term care facilities will have to do some recalculating. Health insurance companies will have to plug in new cost projection algorithms.

The investment communities, especially, will have to re-think everything each thinks it knows about Central Nervous System diseases. Retail equity investors will become aware of Anavex Life Sciences Corp. It won’t be a tiny, unknown start-up biotech. Institutional investors will anticipate ensuing revenues for Anavex Life Sciences Corp, and respond accordingly.

When and in what order all of this happens is yet unknown. Could happen in weeks or months, or in a year or longer. For those of us who have scrutinized and understand the Anavex science, and have taken AVXL positions some time ago, we can wait. Gratifying to see all that we anticipated and knew possible to starting to come to pass. For virtually everyone, it will be very rewarding.

For me, my small AVXL position will appreciate nicely. But I’m most happy for CNS disease patients and their families and care givers. Now, solid hope; real treatments, therapies, and even preventions.