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09/16/19 4:10 PM

#244397 RE: flipper44 #244390

Because I did not have access to the article when I discussed it in my last post, it is likely that the proneural subgroup was even whittled down to a smaller subgroup.

(Note: Basically all IDH1 mutated methylated tumor cells are proneural.
However, not all proneural cells are IDH1 mutated.)


09/16/19 5:32 PM

#244417 RE: flipper44 #244390

The Yahoo contributor is is not innocently mistaking a MGMT methylated subgroup with the entire cross section of the patients with methylated GBM.

The yahoo MB name of this individual is meifud and this person consistently posts distorted and downright false information about NWBO.

I read the article that meifud refers to a while ago and I will look for it again. I do remember that a mOS of 66.8 months was demonstrated by a relatively small group of patients (I believe it was 23 patients) all of whom had not only the MGMT methylated GBM but all were also 1DH1(+ve). However, in the his post meifud conveniently forgets to mention the 1DH1 status. This small detail would of course substantially increase the mOS. However, meifud instead presents the false conclusion that in the L trial, 28.2% of the patients who reached 36 months alive under performed because "40% of the phase III patients have methylated genes" and therefore even for patients treated with SOC, the survival rate of 28.2% at 36 months is not unexpected.

meifud6 hours ago
We were told that 28% of the phase III patients survived and made it to 36 months which sounds good but 40% of the phase III patients have methylated genes, and such patients have median Overall Survival of 66.8 months with just current standard of care. So there is nothing unexpected about 28% surviving 36 months