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09/17/19 5:00 AM

#44769 RE: ReservedRisk #44761

The drone strike war between Saudis and Yemen has been going on for years as Reuters reported. Recent drone attacks on Saudi oil infrastructure were a proportionate Yemeni response to years of daily bombings carried out by a Saudi-led coalition.
The drone attacks were a legitimate act of self-defense.

On a daily basis Yemen is being bombarded and innocent civilians are dying … so they have to retaliate.

Yemeni people are exercising their legitimate right of defense ... the attacks were a reciprocal response to aggression against Yemen for years.

As it was also pointed out it was Saudi Arabia who’d started the cycle of attacks. In the past few years of the Saudi -Yemen war with numerous drone strikes back and forth Yemen has basically been destroyed” during its four-year conflict, and now suffers the highest infant mortality rate and hunger starvation crisis in the world.

The humanitarian catastrophe” in the country has urged for many years a diplomatic solution to the conflict.

The war in Yemen began in earnest in March 2015, when a coalition of states, led by Saudi Arabia and backed by the US and Britain, launched a bombing campaign in an attempt to defeat the rebel Houthi movement and restore the rule of President Mansour Hadi, who’d been ousted in 2014. In addition to tens of thousands killed in the fighting, the conflict has sparked one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, leaving millions without food, water or healthcare, and dependent on international aid.