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09/10/19 3:56 AM

#213365 RE: Jt0082 #213364

That’s what I’ve been saying since the AHA update came out. I immediately notified IR of my displeasure and wrote two letters to the editor of the AHA update asking for clarification regarding their endorsement of EPA/DHA products equally with EPA. I never got a reply from the editor. I’ve also stated that I believe the AHA is complicit in delaying Vascepa as a SOC and hindering its success. The FDA and AHA are corrupt and or completely incompetent. How has the AHA sat on reduceit results for this long and then come up with this garbage update without being totally incompetent or corrupt? How could the FDA wait as long as they did before notifying Amarin of ADCOM and then ask them not to tell investors? Both answers are the same. IMO


09/10/19 8:13 AM

#213376 RE: Jt0082 #213364

Glad he is pushing back. So much for evidence based recommendations.


09/10/19 8:29 AM

#213386 RE: Jt0082 #213364

At the beginning of the report, third line from the top, it states:

"At doses of 4 g per day, EPA+DHA, but not EPA alone, decreased LDL cholesterol as well as triglyceride levels."

That's totally wrong. EPA+DHA mixture has never shown to lower LDL.


09/10/19 3:11 PM

#213465 RE: Jt0082 #213364

Wish Bhatt would have gone after them for this summary at the top of the page (or someone else can contact them?):


In this report, the authors offer guidance for the use of omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA at pharmacologic doses for reducing triglyceride levels. At doses of 4 g per day, EPA+DHA, but not EPA alone, decreased LDL cholesterol as well as triglyceride levels. In reducing triglycerides only, EPA+DHA and EPA alone provided similar results. The use of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease by up to 25%.

Of course that's blatantly wrong, EPA+DHA increases LDL, and in the actual text below Bhatt's response the correct statement is made, but then they say the wrong thing a SECOND time - WTF? Who edited this piece, a 4th grader?

In treatment of very high triglycerides with 4 g/d, EPA+DHA agents reduce triglycerides by ≥30% with concurrent increases in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, whereas EPA-only did not raise low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in very high triglycerides.When used to treat hypertriglyceridemia, n-3 FAs with EPA+DHA or with EPA-only appear roughly comparable for triglyceride lowering and do not increase low-density lipoprotein cholesterol when used as monotherapy or in combination with a statin.

The same damn blatant error in the actual text is made in the source material on the AHA website:

Oh, lovely - to the right of the text on the AHA site it shows how widely spread this update was - looks like every newswire service mentioned this and probably confused the hell out of lot of patients and docs - why would the AHA do something so easily seen as wrong by anyone familiar with L and V?

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