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09/07/19 12:50 PM

#19631 RE: TheHappyVulcan #19629

Please let me rephrase his opinion, if I may be so bold.
There are no definitives in mineral exploration; it's a game of odds/probabilities, with VERY high odds of failure, even for the knowledgable, well funded explorers.

The probability of ACRL proving up (and "proving up" means copious drilling) any gold resource/reserve on their properties in the Kirkland Lake (KL) district is VERY low, because:

A. Their properites are not in the "Timisakiming Group" rocks, where ALL of the currently know Au deposits in this district lie,

B. Their properties are south of the Larder Lake Break, in a package of rocks that hosts very few gold occurrences, no significant gold deposits and no gold mines. The Larder Lake break also cuts off any potential mineralization extending from the Macassa mine, like an impenetrable 2-foot thick steel door,

C. The KL district has been explored for over a century, anything of significance near surface has most probably already been found. Anything remaining to be found is at depth requiring considerable $ to drill in order to find it - a long-odds crap shoot that nobody is going to fund. As we say in the business, "there is no more low hanging fruit",

D. ACRL has conducted very limited exploration work on their ground over the 4? or so years they have held the ground, including minimal geophysics and 2 diamond-drill holes testing their best target which returned ZERO gold,

E. ACRL currently does not even have a gold "discovery" on their properties, let alone a potential resource,

F. ACRL appears to lack the management, ability, desire and technical expertise to conduct competent mineral exploration,

G. ACRL holds substantial debt, has no cash, has given no indications of having recently raised any cash, and therefor do not appear to have the ability to fund any exploration activities - drilling is expensive!,

H. ACRL failed to pay for their drilling from 3? yrs ago, and so will struggle to find any service providers who will willingly work for them without a large advance deposit for the work,

I. There are hundreds of junior gold explorers out there with decent projects (with real mineral occurrences and real resources/reserves) competing for very limited exploration funding available (the high gold price driven potential for financing has NOT yet spilled over into the junior explorer market, it's just now reaching into the junior miners and advanced project developers), and so the likelihood of them raising capital from any respectable resource financier is very low,

J. The prospectivity of their ground for other commodities is (the cobalt, battery metals, REE's, diamonds, graphite etc stories) is very low. Wrong geology for these other commodities...

K. This is all IMHO of course, but I have 30+ years in the gold & mineral exploration business.

However, as a dispassionate logic-driven Vulcan, I expect you will ignore the hype and make your own rational decisions based on your own DD... GLTY.
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09/07/19 1:27 PM

#19632 RE: TheHappyVulcan #19629

It may be bold, but it is real world reality. Unlike the total nonsense that is spewed here daily.

Reality is this: I do not recall ever seeing a OTC company that is not an SEC registrant actually go into production, or, even, develop an ore body enough to get a real gold mining company to buy them out. ACRL will not break that mold. Mark my words.
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09/07/19 2:05 PM

#19636 RE: TheHappyVulcan #19629

"Happy Vulcan" is a an oxymoron. ACRL