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09/08/19 12:47 PM

#213160 RE: IgnoranceIsBliss #212949

Anyone not on AMRN's payroll got "close look at the [raw?] data" yet? Extremely doubtful - so of course there are going to be skeptics. Wonder if AMRN intends to publish Lp-PLA2 data in the BDs, or can they withhold it for another great research paper linking Lp-PLA2 to CVD risk and as a possible MOA?


09/08/19 12:54 PM

#213163 RE: IgnoranceIsBliss #212949

This is even more impressive data:

“the event rate in the placebo arm of the REDUCE-IT study was consistent with, actually slightly lower than what we had reviewed with the FDA, prior to the start of the study, which would not suggest that the mineral oil was having any effect on event rates”

With all the statin studies that have been done predicting what the placebo group event rate would be, I think, pretty easy and a very good guide as to whether the placebo was inert. It’s OVERWHELMINGLY OBVIOUS Reduce-It was a success and that Vascepa works, there is ZERO evidence of anything otherwise.