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09/05/19 6:54 PM

#212843 RE: Atom0aks #212760

Atom. There may be a trend developing ... note ESC and Mayo opinions ... to consider all those on statin therapy adding Vascepa .

It’s a very low risk / high potential benefit calculation .

It would not surprise me if this came up at Adcom

Not saying this will happen over night but considering most see “ fish oil “ ... in this case Vascepa ... as being “ natural “ ... if the co pay is reasonable , it may happen a lot faster than many think

I have been on various times all the different drugs developed for reducing risk of a heart attack ... since 1986 .
Usually a max dose
I’m HeFH ... family history of early fatal MI’s .

Vascepa is by far the most patient friendly ... and very effective ...add on drug to reduce risk of a CV event I’ve ever encountered .

Frankly I think everyone on Statins should have low cost access to Vascepa
Believe it would save our healthcare system billions of $
