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10/28/19 6:14 PM

#161205 RE: janice shell #157550

Having just been to the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel last month, did not realize after all these years the scam.

Michelangelo was a forger. He had six (6) painters who did the work and just over saw, as he was a sculpt.

I found out many art is semi orig., so you can buy a Salvador or a Van Gough, but many are semi. Many of Picasso's are sketches but orig. But what they do is sketch and then brush over the sketch. So you don't pay $50 millions but you can still get a semi for $5k to $10k. They still have retail sale value, but they are not orig. But you can make your $ back after 5 to 10 years if not a $ or two.

I wish I could afford a series of Monet origs., I just don't have $2 Billion for a set of thirteen. Maybe some day some lithos for $1 mil. I love Monet.

Dear daughter got a few paintings that are Van G.ish with wide brush strokes and some from some dude that died in 1911. So I don't know. But maybe some day I can rent a Monet and a Matisse. Just to say I had 13 Monet's on the wall once. And you know why 13.

The LA LACMA has a rental program. So maybe someday I will have a series of Monet on the wall for three months.

Good thing is daughter and we can swap out our art for new art. They wanted to buy our art and up sell us. But spouse and daughter did not go for it. I still don't know @#$%@#$ about art, so I went to the bar.


05/14/23 3:37 PM

#212498 RE: janice shell #157550

anybody shorting my junk better have $$$$$$$$ ...because they have been known to make a Comeback-------with a VENGANCE