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09/02/19 5:00 PM

#31729 RE: wj2005 #31728

So you cant prove it wrong, but you put questin ok

Lol. 4.7 million owed to Steve??? ????????

So prove it wrong...

At this time they are not listed BUT it can not be stated that they will never be relisted.

They were never "listed", they were never on an exchange nor have they applied to be "listed" on an exchange. So yes it can be stated they were NEVER listed and NEVER will be listed on an exchange. The FACT is the they are simply looking to be quoted that is the correct TERMINOLOGY, however it is perfectly clear they will not be quoted.

No where has that been stated by anyone directly from Saleen or the government directly.

Nobody cares what Saleen says, they have lied and continue to lie to shareholders, they were SUSPENDED and REVOKED during their lies to shareholders and they are not to be relied upon for regaining quotation.

Further it has nothing to do with the Government, the SEC has no say in quotation, they were only required to approve to approve the Form 10-12. Quotation however is through FINRA, and FINRA is not the government, they are a regulator. The FACT remains there isn't a Form 211, without there will never be quotation.

Debate it all you want but there was improvements. Yes of course operation costs will go up some as well as they continue to ramp up operations more and increase revenue.

Nothing to debate the FACTS speak for themselves, they spent way more money then they made and increase of 166% in operational costs, they lost more money than the year before, that is not an improvement in business. The fact that the majority of operational costs were for Administrative services and COMPENSATION tells the whole story. It is one thing to spend more money in R&D and or Marketing than all other operational costs with the expectation to recoup those costs at a later time period. But that is not the case here, the money is being spent on paying Steve and his cronies their salaries.

So in closing, there is nothing left to debate, the company is DARK, failed to file the required 10K and has provided nothing, there isn't a Form 211, so no quotation, the Operational costs have in fact worsened as money is being spent in area of operations where it gains absolutely zero value (compensation) and the numerical identifier in the brokerage account will continue to rot until the corresponding broker removes it due to no active certificate.