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no one ever made jack shit investing with steve's diluted pile of shit paper, even the chinese caught on to this grease monkey's bullshit.
They are doing private sales now to raise money to build new cars.
Saleen actually did revived the stock, although it’s not publicly listed yet. Those who were still holding did benefit from it somehow, but they did do a massive reverse split years ago. My millions became thousands. I gave up on the stock and wrote them off as a loss and missed out on it.
wow I didnt know SLNN is defunct , maybe thats why they moved onto this funding
Lmao living rent free in your head. 2015 post ohhh lord. Someone put this kid on suicide watch.
Well I'm sure not going to waste my time going back to 2015 when someone was playing pump and dumps. Why some hang at the club and some hang in their moms basement still trying to make it.
lol... and chartmaster should start your own page when you are not at the country club
Sure do. Made close to six figures on that's trade. Those were the good Ole days till the idiots like you came along that couldn't trade their way out of a paper bag. Ruined the whole otc. All that's left are you clowns and toxic financiers board clowns.
i remember this boy
China is auctioning off Steve's factory. In some ways it's fascinating how fast Steve could go into that country and set up an operational factory. Just think he could have been a hero if we'd gotten 10% of that deal. And I really do think the CCP looked into how he treated us and gave him a taste of his own medicine.
like I said, steve loves fanboys with cash, $500 a pop this time.
with a filing that says he will be diluting. you can't make this shit up. so pony up them bucks and watch them disappear... exactly the same as last time
Not the same at all.
what was the plan the last time steve was slinging shit paper?
look like the exact same plan, but this time he's warning investors and fanboys alike, he's gonna dilute the shit outta this. it's all in the filing.
wash, rinse repeat
The long term plan is to do this Reg A offering and then down the road with a major listing.
same ol' steve
We expect to raise additional capital through offerings of equity and convertible securities and to provide our employees with equity incentives. Therefore, your ownership interest in the Company is likely to continue to be diluted.
at least this time he's telling you flat out he's gonna dilute the shit out of your investment.
that boy, he loves him some fanboys with cash....enjoy
is this grease monkey really trying to grab another $30 million after he left his last bunch of fanboy suckers stuck with a couple billion shares of worthless crap....hahhahaaaaa. I guess the sec doesn't care about investors anymore.
My millions of shares went down to 1k and I have no idea if our old shares are associated with this stock anymore.
According to a reply from their FB account all existing delisted shares will be converted to new shares based off formulas.
Right, swindle a new batch in front of the old bagholders who now get to watch those dumb enough to buy the offering, which is not registered by the way and they find out the hard way.
If anyone was thinking that the old stock was coming back, hate to break it to you, this new offering has nothing to do with the old stock.
after selling billions of worthless shares to pay down his debt, then goes delinquent, leaving original investors holding the bag, steve is gonna try to swindle another bunch of investors? this time at $500 a pop, minimum.
In this case they failed to file for over 2 years, they voluntarily filed the Form, a meaningless effort as this never had a Form 211 for quotation and was never going to see light of day in trading. It was already 2 years delinquent so it was never going to comply with new requirements.
Its been over for years, its just final now in light of new rules.
What does de-registration really mean? I found this: Deregistration
But this just looks like it save filing requirements but does it really mean its over?
Its not news, they filed a deregistration Form 12, simply put this is no more.
Google slnn edgar . Btw its Not good news . Its over for saleen stock .
Where can we find this news?
Lol... like that wasn't going to happen, let's see 2 years behind and facing another suspension.. file a 15g-12 and finally let those with hope know you have fully been duped for years now.
Great news guys . Go check out saleens new filing.
Another Saleen LM up for auction. Funny how all of these sales keep popping up. Did any of these ever show up on our income statements. Does anyone have any updates on the China fiasco!
I really hope Steve, put some of our money into his retirement account.Looks like his heydays are behind him.
What is Steve up to?
Is he ever going to file bankruptcy for his failed business, giving the debtholders and shareholders a shot at recouping pennies on the dollar from their investment (with the few million he did manage to milk from China)?
Or is he going to continue pretending like he didn't run a public company into the ground, screwing over creditors and shareholders, and tuning one or two cars a month in the shop he can't afford until he dies?
Stock is dead. Unfortunately
Board is awfully quite. Saleen still in business?
The 2007 reconfigured S7 LM be sold for $ 1,200,000.00 Bring a Trailer auction.
Listed as 2007 S7 LM 158 miles $642,007 3days left BAT Bring A Trailer auctions.
Does anyone have any updates on what's going on with the China Ordeal
They spend nothing on the QS and 8Ks, and of course the fact they are behind and have been for over 18 months. The 10K costs money and well they haven't filed one.
Going through motions to make it appear like there is effort is useless.
I dont know if they will or wont ever be back . But they do keep spending time and money on these filings .
Well they are excuses for delinquency, 18 months so far. So no auditing firm, cannot provide a 10K, and the entire Board resigned other than Steve and pretty clear what is going on.
Meanwhile this still doesn't trade, will never get a Form 211 and eventually the registration will be suspended yet again.
I mean are they relevant to getting this back trading again or not really?
The last earnings report was just over 3 months ago, at which point Saleen was 6 months behind (despite having $3.3 million cash on hand as of Dec. 31st). Maybe if they keep catching up a month or two every year, we will eventually have current filings in a few years! Yay!
I am sure that sorting out the China fraud will be a little tricky for the poor souls that got assigned to Saleen's accounting team, so try to have patience.
It seems to me that the board has a fiduciary obligation to liquidate everything and return what's left to shareholders. For a delisted and revoked company that hasn't managed to become current again after several years and just got caught up in a fraud, it seems like the only reasonable option left. At this point, I would happily take a few pennies per share and use the loss to save a little bit on taxes.
Saleen will most likely keep tuning a few Mustangs every year until the money runs dry, leaving us with $0, the bad memories, and a worthless stock certificate to hang on the wall as a reminder of what not to invest in.
One of the newly configured S7 LM is up for auction. At Bring your Trailer auction site. Stated original purchase price was $1,000,000.00+.Listed at $429,000.00 opening bid. With all the money I made on this stock, I could buy 2 of them cash. That is when they release the Hot Wheels addition. Ok I'm dreaming, maybe I could get one, that is if, I can make arrangements for some type of lay a way plan at the toy store.