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09/01/19 5:21 PM

#2474 RE: chuck29 #2471

Nobody influence me anyway (to buy or to sell).

I do what I decide to do myself.
I am a "free spirit".. LOL


09/01/19 6:56 PM

#2475 RE: chuck29 #2471

No-one IS listening to you Charles however, unfortunately potential investors in NGW might be reading your cancerous posts and maybe deciding against buying in as a result..

Suggest you spend less time lurking around / lowering the tone here and spend more time cleaning your trailer. In the best Cockney accent, "you're a right proppa you know that?".


09/02/19 8:49 AM

#2476 RE: chuck29 #2471

Hey..............don’t listen to me either.

Just to be clear, I am not a professional investor. What I am is a successful business man who invests. My posts are just as I see it. But I can be wrong. I’ve been wrong before. I’ll probably be wrong again. But I’ve also been right, sometimes spectacularly so. But please, don’t anybody invest solely on what I post. My posts are never meant as investment advice but are only an observation of how I see things.

FWIW, yes I’m a huge fan of NGW. Yes I believe it’s a millionaire maker stock. But there are things I don’t like about them too. There are things I’d change immediately if I were CEO. I’ve mentioned them all previously.

1. They are trying to run way too many brands. It is hard enough to build one brand..........especially in a marketplace where there’s tons of competition. Running this many brands is beyond a young company’s ability. There’s too many moving parts and it’s too difficult to control.

2. Their P/R department is an embarrassment.

3. They need a top notch CEO. Mike Jennings is a genius at what he does, but if he plies his trade in Coalinga, he’s not able to be in front of the public being the face of the company and doing the things a CEO should be doing, and conversely, if he’s out in front of the public being CEO, he’s not able to work his magic in Coalinga. No knock on him at all, but it’s just a physical impossibility.

4. I would refocus the company’s energies taking a more ‘business-like’ tact. There’s a bit too much ‘counter-culture’ attitude in their business persona and while I understand the Cannabis sector will probably always have that, we can NEVER forget that first and foremost it is a business. The investing community wants to see a businessman running the business. There’s too much twitter and social media activity. I think those who engage in that feel it’s an acceptable substitute for a formal P/R release. I see it more as an end-run around the proper P/R department.

But hey, it’s a very young company which is just learning to walk. Of course there will be missteps. That’s to be expected. But we need to react to those missteps and learn from them.

Overall however, this company has worked miracles. They have accomplished the near impossible in such a short time. The next couple of years should be spectacular.