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08/27/19 3:19 PM

#48820 RE: Redrock804 #48813

Thank you RedRock!!! We all just want answers and I am too stupid to look for them. I actually do own shares here and yes I'm actually trying to sell them but I don't want to but I also don't want to lose my money I don't have a lot of it.


08/27/19 4:22 PM

#48834 RE: Redrock804 #48813

It baffles me no other long has any response to anything I have listed here... We call out the bashers for not having any proof and yet we ignore what I view as legitimate questions and concerns. Am I alone when I say it is hard to ignore this? How can a tweet that can be performed by anyone just make you feel ok. One other thing I realized, the twitter account shows the location to be Orlando, everything else points to Tampa being the origin of business? Those locations are 2hrs apart.


08/27/19 4:50 PM

#48836 RE: Redrock804 #48813

Hello Redrock. I read your post and don't have any answer except, "I don't know". There are positive signs though in that the person who they have hired as "Comptroller" is a real person with the credentials that she has listed. That is encouraging. My gut tells me that they are putting too much energy into promoting this stock to believe that it is a scam. The online reviews for Dr. Hughes and his staff are overwhelmingly positive. That doesn't mean that they couldn't cook up a scam, but it just doesn't fit with that type of caring personality.

My theory has been that they are a group of people who've come up with some good ideas and want a way to capitalize on them. They probably want to be rich and so they decided to take their ideas public and merging with a shell company was a way to do it with very little capital. The website leads me to believe that they intend to keep IGEX active as an "umbrella" for other ideas that may not fall into the Hulogix mold and would be other subsidiary companies.

Clearly, this is a start up and is a purely speculative investment. I am in it long and have been for over 5 years. I've stayed in because I bought into the previous hype of IGEX being the "E-trade of Asia" and didn't want to write off the rather large investment I made at that time. I have added several million shares recently to average down to a level that makes me think I will at least break even if this company starts showing some results.

I'm not a particularly savvy investor and I know that, but this seems to me to be moving in a positive direction.

I do believe that if this is a legitimate group of people (and I believe they are), then this stock could ultimately be worth the equivalent of several cents per share at the current number of shares outstanding.

There's my thoughts from a fellow long.


08/27/19 5:40 PM

#48838 RE: Redrock804 #48813

Wants even worse is the fact that the IGEX financials for the period ending July 31st also include those of the subsidiary Hulogix which deal was consummated on May the 16th.
The end result ZERO ASSETS and more NET LOSSES.

What a knee slapper!


08/28/19 11:09 AM

#48985 RE: Redrock804 #48813

Ok to help you out. The VETRIA PET WELLNESS AND SURGURGY CENTER. The place has it's own surgery and medical area which can host clinicals and study new medicine. The place isn't a small town center. This place brings in according to what i found $1.47MILLION a year. They also have a company they work with that is also helping with clinicals. If you actually see the big picture of what the are affiliated with, basically all avenues are covered and it's just a matter of time when when the ball really gets moving and when it does PENNYLAND will come soon enough, and that's just starters. IMO