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08/21/19 12:47 PM

#113767 RE: doogdilinger #113761

Hmmmm that’s not what it shows in the financials. Odd that the fins show something completely different then what Greg said there
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08/21/19 12:48 PM

#113769 RE: doogdilinger #113761

Vystar's balance sheet looked "fair" before the Rotman's transaction???
(from the email)

That may be the funniest lie Greg has told to date!

Vystar's balance sheet is a freakin' disaster.

Thanks for the laugh Greg!

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08/21/19 12:51 PM

#113771 RE: doogdilinger #113761

Well done, Doogbuddy...
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08/21/19 12:51 PM

#113772 RE: doogdilinger #113761

Thanks Doog & Greg :) ...

Loading & Holding

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08/21/19 1:01 PM

#113775 RE: doogdilinger #113761

Perfectly logical explanation which are becoming sparse in these parts, thanks for sharing.
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08/21/19 1:07 PM

#113777 RE: doogdilinger #113761

thanks doog!!

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08/21/19 1:12 PM

#113782 RE: doogdilinger #113761

Ok first I find it quite odd that Greg only emails certain people about certain topics and not all topics but let’s shelf that until later.

1. The RLOC was for 3 mil not 3.5 mil and there were 5 investors who put up the $500,000 along with Steve personally guaranteeing the loan as it clearly states in the 10Q. As shown below

On July 18, 2019, the Company entered into a $3 million loan facility with Fidelity Co-operative Bank, whereby it and Rotmans executed a Master Credit Agreement, a $3,000,000 Revolving Demand Line of Credit Note and a Master Security Agreement. As a demand note, the creditor may make a demand for payment at any time. Absent an extension, the line will be reduced to $2.5 million in September 2019. Steven Rotman personally guaranteed the Fidelity Co-operative Bank loan facility. As consideration for his guaranty, he was granted rights to preferred stock. The preferred stock has a redemption right (for 299 shares) for $75,000 after two years and voting rights equal to 40% of the voting class taken with all other classes of stock. The Company intends to file a Certificate of Designations to create the preferred class, after which Mr. Rotman will receive his preferred shares. Five other stockholders (some of whom are affiliates of the Company) who delivered a guarantee of $500,000 were granted rights to a separate class of preferred stock, which rights include a redemption right of $100,000 after two years and voting rights equal to 20% of the voting class taken with all other classes of stock. The Company intends to file one or more Certificates of Designations to create the preferred class, after which the guarantors will receive their preferred shares.

2. The $180,000 that Steve and Greg loaned Rotmans was for the purposes of working capital and had nothing to do with the RLOC what so ever as stated in the 10Q shown below

In April and May 2019, two shareholders advanced $180,000 directly to Rotmans on behalf of the Company for working capital purposes. See Note 6 for further discussion.


On June 30, 2019, the Company issued contingently convertible promissory notes totaling $180,000, to Steve Rotman ($105,000) and Greg Rotman ($75,000). These notes are (i) unsecured, (ii) bear interest at an annual rate of eight percent (8%) per annum from date of issuance, and (iii) are convertible at the Company’s option after December 31, 2019. These notes mature five years from issuance. If converted, the notes plus accrued interest are convertible into shares of the Company’s common stock at the average of the five lowest closing prices in any 90 day period with a 50% discount.

These two events had nothing to do with each other. The $180,000 was not for the RLOC and it was not Greg and Steve who put up the money as the 10q states 5 other investors and I’m sure would have called Greg and Steve out by name and even if they didn’t there would be 3 others and not Steve and Greg as Greg just stated in email.

Lastly you DO NOT have to loan your own company money with interest. You are however simply allowed to invest in your company with no need to be paid back and that is perfectly legal. It’s called a capital contribution and there is no need for it to be paid back as it’s your company.
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08/21/19 2:03 PM

#113794 RE: doogdilinger #113761

Thanks doogdilinger!
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08/21/19 2:07 PM

#113797 RE: doogdilinger #113761

And once again what Greg says and what the 10Q says are two different things.

Does he think no one reads the filings? Lol.
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08/21/19 2:10 PM

#113799 RE: doogdilinger #113761

100% HOGWASH as proven by the 10Q. He just flat out lied in that email if that was an actual email from Greg at all!!! So easy to disprove every single word of that with the 10Q. Wow what a LIAR!!!

I hope everyone sees what Greg just did (if in fact that email came from Greg). He flat out lied about him and Steve giving the $500,000 to secure the RLOC and stated it was 3.5 mil when in fact it is 3.0 mil. There are 5 investors that gave the $500,000 to secure the RLOC and Steve was not one of them as clearly stated in the 10Q.

He also lied about the $180,000 being given to as part of the $500,000. Steve and Greg gave the $180,000 to Rotmans as working capital back in April and May and is clearly defined as such in the 10Q!!! That 180,000 had nothing to do with the RLOC and is spelled out in note 6 and is totally different from the RLOC transaction which is spelled out in Note 13.

Steve and Greg could have simply given the money to Rotmans as a capital contribution and there would be no need to be paid back. Let’s face it they both get quite a bit in salary and loads of shares so it would be the least they could do for their own family business!! Now why loan $180,000 to Rotmans for working capital at all if Rotmans is doing so good?!?

You only bold face lie like that to cover something up and try and make my post (which is in the email) look bad and the fact that they had to loan Rotmans money look good!! They loaned Rotmans money! Why would they need to loan them money if Rotmans was so successful and raking in the cash as most believe? What a joke!! You know I tried to see both sides and be respectful of others opinions but this takes the cake. He flat lied today.

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08/21/19 3:06 PM

#113813 RE: doogdilinger #113761

This shows without a scintilla of doubt that the Rotmans are all in in seeing this company prosper, and personally guaranteeing millions is nothing but a testament to their genuine commitment to this company and it is downright unconscionable for some people to wake up every morning and have nothing better to do with their lives than to maliciously trash a great American family---these people do not realize how idiotic they sound day in and day out--a total abuse of ones God given precious time.

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08/21/19 3:08 PM

#113814 RE: doogdilinger #113761

wow, just wow! prime example of the way most everything is spun on social media by those trying to foist a nefarious narrative on every positive development here. getting beyond ridiculous.

thank you for seeking and sharing that reply and helping to continue to set the record straight.