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08/16/19 1:02 PM

#10998 RE: High_Profits #10995

Whenever I invest in a company I look at the fundamentals but also like to see where the rubber meets the road.This morning at 10 am I had an appointment with with a quality Medical group using Predictives Corecyte.I have a sports hernia and have seen many doctors,chiropractors etc over the past four years with no relief, cortisone injections,PT, alternative medicine with no relief- so I decided that I am going to try PRED's product first hand to see if it really works. I asked the nurse and practitioners some questions this morning:

1. How long have you been using PRED's Corecyte: For about 1 year and we found it far superior to the product we were using Amniotech for the past 4 years- we have had great results with Corecyte about 95% satisfaction of our patients. She said the key factor is PRED's product is far superior with 1.1 Million live mesenchymal stem cells per ml-a much higher concentration than Amniotech.A higher concentration of stem cells reduces patients costs and administering multiple times- and real key much more effective. They also mentioned the professionalism of the company - they keep a live nitrogen freezer at there site. They have treated backs,necks,knees, shoulders with excellent results. Next week I have a follow up meeting so I will probably get my first injection- so I will keep everyone posted as I have thousands of reasons why. First impression where rubber meets the road : A ++ on quality of product and efficacy-company professionalism.


08/23/19 2:46 AM

#11546 RE: High_Profits #10995

PRED EV close of 2019 between $25 to $30

Sorry for the late response.

We see PRED at $28 based on our valuation of similar companies with a multiple of therapeutics in pre-FDA IND status. This is not back of the envelope but a detailed evaluation of PRED's announced portfolio of diagnostics, its announced global collaborations, and new IRB approved therapeutics.

PRED's a bit harder to value because not only do they supply over 1,100+ clinics with regenerative tissue products, they have a growing portfolio of synergistic diagnostic-therapeutic-new IP in development. They keep announcing details and then the announcement is followed-up with the staffing to execute.

Then there is the IP within Dr. Ward's published research papers that will be presented at ASRM in September. We know something about this technology and space as we have a Nobel in Medicine and other world-class researchers within our companies that are non-related to PRED. Anyone who says PRED does not have science is blind or one of the SHORT FRAUDSTERS like LL.

The other unknown but obviously ongoing is other companies are coming to PRED to collaborate with FDA Phase 1 and 2 and 2b therapeutics. They come to PRED because of its Board and PRED having resources to invest - my insight is PRED can dial 911 for significant cash at will. Many lose sight that John Sorenteno was COO of Pfizer and running $34 to $38 billion of Pfizer business unit(s). Why would other therapeutic technologies come to PRED? Simple because their law firm is WSGR, the world's leading life science law firm which I have posted comments about on this blog. WSGR is also one of the greatest match-markers in the history of any law firm, they incorporated Google, Sysco, Oracle, eBay, and a zillion other name brand tech and life science companies. I personally know Mario Rosati (WSGR founder) and I assure if any number of Hindenburg's report was right, WSGR would not represent PRED - no way in hell would they. Why would WSGR allow one of its attorneys to sit on PRED's Advisory Board and open itself up to litigation - they would not. Logic also dictates that NASDAQ would not have met with PRED's CEO for three hours nor showed PRED and group around its building and specifically taken Bradley Robinson to see where newly listed companies Ring the Bell. I was there and took those pictures. I think that was positive and we feel the story will soon be told.

We are holding and will take some of our equity off the table at $25 to $30 per share and we have substantially more shares than most on this blog.

I spoke with someone very famous yesterday and today, they are shareholders in PRED and are making a public statement, as soon as tomorrow that will discredit Hindenburg and the SHORTs on this and other blogs.