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08/15/19 12:14 PM

#167416 RE: fastlane #167415

“I don’t think he has contempt for shareholders. I think he just wants to focus on what is is doing and doesn’t want to stop to explain it to people. I am that way. ”

I have no doubt he doesn’t want to explain anything to the people/aka shareholders. The problem is Kim Thompson is the CEO of a public company , not a private one. He has a responsibility and fiduciary duty to keep shareholders informed and to act in the best interest of the shareholders and the share price. He BARELY keeps shareholders informed. Just enough to stay out of trouble. He otherwise shows complete contempt for the shareholder even though he’s the one who chose to take it public because he wanted our money. Be wary. He may just take the company private. I have no doubt he would love to, if the right opportunity presented itself.


08/15/19 12:47 PM

#167420 RE: fastlane #167415

I totally agree with this.

Cluck Kent

08/15/19 12:56 PM

#167423 RE: fastlane #167415

I agree with you, fastlane, about Mr Thompson wanting to focus, and especially now with a factory and production imminent.

Mr Thompson, the administration, and shareholders are all cognizant that there will have to be production to show in order to attract more financing and successfully uplist.

It therefor makes sense that the company and Mr Thompson are currently putting their full focus and energies on getting production numbers up in the factory, and increased as fast as possible. In the meantime we will probably get some PR's, and probably more as the ball gets rolling, though maybe not as frequently as we'd like.

I think it's a matter of they're just working as fast as they can and are using the Oct or November holiday deadline mentioned in the sh's meeting as a goal, and it's obvious that has to be flexible.

If one thinks about it, without setting a general goal date, one is working more or less without any focus, which wouldn't be a good way to accomplish getting production up and running.

In the meantime the share price seems to me to be rather stable around the twenties and mid twenties right now, and that kind of stability isn't a bad thing at all. I think there's a lot of anticipation that production is in process and news will come as details develop, and that's what's keeping the price where it is right now.

As we all know, we didn't even have production numbers earlier and yet the sp went way up to 50, so I don't think there's any question of how much interest or anticipation there is at this crucial stage where we have a large factory to make real goods at quantity in. Once that quantity and product are revealed to the world, that's going to hit the world like a ton of bricks.

I guess one just has to be patient and play the long game.


08/15/19 1:22 PM

#167430 RE: fastlane #167415

"I don’t think he has contempt for shareholders. I think he just wants to focus on what is is doing and doesn’t want to stop to explain it to people."

once, twice, 3 times..maybe..

but after 10 yrs of the same old crap, its just pure contempt..

when he took the company public to take shareholders money, he agreed to keep them informed...he has failed badly it can be nothing other than contempt..

sure..everyone likes to just focus on what they are doing..but for those who have taken the money from shareholders promising to keep them informed, they don't have that luxury..they cannot use that excuse..they don't have the right to "tune out" the investors that have funded their company for 10 years...

"I think the perceived contempt for shareholders is just a personality issue."

failing to keep shareholders informed is not a personality disorder..going months without speaking a word is not a personality disorder..dropping the share price 60% and then saying you let shorters do what they wanted without lifting a finger to intervene because it just wasn't worth the effort is not a personality disorder...

what those, and many many other things are, is a pattern of behavior that clearly demonstrates disdain for his shareholders...

and I don't care that he practiced the right words to spout at the shareholders meeting with a nice caring smile..

actions speak louder than words...

"As far as the short notice for the meeting. I don’t feel that there was any fundamental reason for it."

Im sure there was...we just don't (yet) know what it was...

"Kim just wanted to get it over with and move on."

of that, I have no doubt..if he could have done what he wanted without ever having to meet or even see any of his shareholders, he would have..and that is not what a good ceo is made of..

"It really seams like a pointless endeavor."

im sure that's exactly how he saw it...and he shouldn't have..