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08/09/19 6:24 PM

#3558 RE: Chenteddybear #3556

SAEAN will be WAY above $3.00 in March.

The Company (SAEAN) is undergoing a joint U.S./Korean Valuation, which will determine the worth of the company. According to what I have learned, the restricted shareholders will be informed of the value, ONE-ON-ONE (with a non-disclosure agreement, I'm pretty sure...).

If the joint U.S./Korean Valuation determines that the share price reflects a market-undervalued company, the Company WILL buy back shares from the open market, WITH PUBLIC NOTICE. Now, with all of the deals that we have found out about, and, MORE THAN LIKELY, additional deals we DON'T know about, YET, Im convinced that we will see a higher share price than blinded speculation has determined, thus far.

Let's not forget... Although the outstanding shares indicator, on our trading tools, indicate a level of over 48% outstanding shares, the TRUE number of outstanding shares will reflect, roughly, 17% outstanding shares, which will be revealed with more detailed filings, reflective of the Purchase which SAEAN has made from EMPM's FORMER Majority Share Holder, Peter Dunn, who sold 126,855,000 to SAEAN (see SEC 8-K filing, posted on June 12, 2019). That being said, if SAEAN needs to raise capital for additional Joint Ventures, I don't believe that they will want to drain the shares held to the point of Dr. Lee losing control of the Company. Dr. Lee stated that he will be handling things "differently" with Saean, as opposed to how things were handled with Leo Motors.

Dr. Lee has stated that he has NOT ONLY solved EVERY battery problem, but has made it's superiority to ALL OTHERS second to "NONE (I guess that includes Tesla)..." Let's see... "EVERY battery issue resolved" entails a number of things, like range anxiety, quick-charge, cell-balance, voltage cut-off detection, battery management system, electromagnetic radiation elimination, a wet battery separator that prevents spontaneous combustion, a casing that prevents extreme fire upon breaching of the casing wall, 30 degrees-SUB-ZERO cold-weather performance, and electric-shock prevention upon being submerged in water; just to name a few concerns. And guess what?? He HAS SOLVED ALL of these problems - ALL CERTIFIED BY KOREAN GOVERNMENT TEST LABS... AND THEY HAVE BEEN PATENTED OR PATENTS APPLIED FOR... NOT EVEN TESLA can come close to saying that... WE ARE SECOND TO NONE. No... I assure you... the EV battery reckoning will soon be upon the EV world... and it will be brought by Dr. Lee, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, through SAEAN...

Now, getting back to the shares... If SAEAN will be needing additional Capital for Joint Ventures, I see, at the very least, a 2 for 1 forward share split to be able to meet any Joint Venture challenge, whilst not coming near losing MAJORITY CONTROL, to "unfriendly" investors in sheep's clothing. This is all I'm willing to share, for now... And, to those who doubt ANYTHING I have written, I suggest you learn to use Google's translator and restart your Due Diligence in multiple languages... And, Yes... "Chen," you are correct... SAEAN is involved in the Middle East.

I hope you enjoyed this read... It's going to be another Due Diligence weekend for me... I hope the same for you, unless you actually enjoy your current zip codes.