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08/06/19 12:38 AM

#321642 RE: ForReal #321640

Yeah but you see, Timothy McVeigh, individuals at Ruby Ridge and Waco and Ted Kaczynski were all indoctrinated by right wing nonsense, so pinning it on Clinton makes as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.

If you're saying Clinton made them do that because he was a Dem and they hated him, well, are you going to blame a woman for her own rape you fuck?

As far as I know, Clinton never stirred racial tensions by calling certain demographics animals and rapists. He never spewed fear mongering rhetoric about immigrant invasions and he never held indoctrination rallies which could be compared with those Hitler held in Germany in the 1930s.

Nice try though. Maybe take some elementary classes in logic or something?
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08/06/19 12:40 AM

#321643 RE: ForReal #321640

ForReal - yet still on with the nonsense that it isn't political

"Look, if you want to say politics is the driver..."

For one i didn't even consider that, so that also neglects your disingenuous Obama mention. He
did not inspire shouters with inflammatory rhetoric as Trump does. You are twisting words again.

And Bill Clinton did not inspire shooters with inflammatory rhetoric either.

Bernie does not at all inspire in the same way as Trump does either.

"And finally" Not before time, let's see what you come up with now .. ok, the left-wing Satanist guy. Noone here here has
said there aren't assholes of our side of politics. Only those as you and conix and others even suggest we would think that.

You guys are the ones who want it both ways. As Australia and other western countries have politically motivated
people too, yet do not have the mass killings America stars in, that last of yours is disingenuous batshit, too.

You can't have it both ways. Either these atrocities were politically motivated or they weren't. Your choice.

I never said politics was the driver. You saying i did was your self-created bullshit strawman. And as none of those you
mentioned have ever been seen, by people (including politicians) covering the political spectrum, to be guilty
of divisive, vicious, inflammatory rhetoric as Trump is guilty of your whole post is bullshit.

Your gun culture is the driver.

The fact that you don't understand every thinking person knows that just goes to show you are nothing but a partisan political hack.
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08/06/19 5:48 AM

#321666 RE: ForReal #321640

THE salient difference in your examples? Not a single person engaged in the kind of inciteful, hateful, bigoted rhetoric in any venue, from any podium, that Trump has engaged in.

Perhaps you can find a quote from any of the people on your list that contradicts my statement?