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08/05/19 4:11 PM

#83596 RE: Gargantuan #83594

ICLD at the current price based on the shares of SGSI it holds is undervalued. SGSI is poised to print a billion shares, and then do a R/S

ICLD can not print a billion shares since the AS is used up and they are delinquent on financials.

SGSI on any good news will crush the buyers printing new shares in hours of any rally. The OS is 34 Mil the AS is 750 Mil with plans to raise it to a billion (if they did not already raise it to a billion, meaning 726 Million shares are coming!!!

ICLD bottom is in. SGSI bottom at .0001 is a long ways off.

ICLD is not being sued. ICLD could do something cool and PR us to a rally at any minute, with who knows what fantasy game PR. Or a 3rd party could pump it to sell their retail share collection. Down side risk on ICLD is very low unless and until they get current with SEC, and doing that alone is very likely to goose the ICLD share price.

SGSI, and both Wavetechs, and now a third company one Wavetech sued, are now engaged in mortal combat in courts, which is not cheap.

I suspect a shareholder suit may soon be filed against SGSI as well.

Also keep in mind, the SGSI float is only about 4 million shares, with about 30 million more issued and ready to be dump???? Many by ICLD into a rally of SGSI should it happen?

If that happens there will be no mercy on SGSI bag holders, Imho, while ICLD would be putting cash in the bank selling SGSI shares???

That is why ICLD has flat-lined Imho.


08/13/19 6:17 PM

#83613 RE: Gargantuan #83594

One good news item for the Icld bag holders is that they now own 47% of the SGSI scam, but do need to print Icld shares to pay even 1% of the bills of SGSI debt collectors.

After 2 years now, they have had plenty of time to prove and confirm they still have no trouble loosing a million dollars in just 12 weeks of operations, operational losses that is. That does not include derivative, and parent company dead beat over head expenses and losses.

Cruise vacations are not cheap after all?

Will Wavetech Global buy ICLD and take over the via the back door?

Stayed tuned folks!! Get that Pop Corn and Peanuts and beer ready.

Cause we can't even make this stuff up!!!!