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08/01/19 4:59 PM

#205087 RE: raistthemage #205083

Raisetheimage, not to be rude but if you think JT should be out you should really think again. Investing in bios is not easy but luckily amrn is unlike any other bio. It has a proven safe, cost effective, paradigm shifting drug in Vascepa. Because it has been so de-risked it is literally days or weeks away from the starting gate which will lead to billions.

Literally, JT has done everything right to get us to this point. To have the stones to get reduce it to the finish line was no easy task. I have a feeling so many shareholders take it for granted. The heavy lifting to get to 9/24 was monumental.

Sure you could play armchair quarterback and question wisdom of ITC case

But since 9/24 propelling a small cap left for dead bio into a paradigm shifting mid cap that’s now just a label away from billions soon to be realized is analogous to the miracle on ice!

The secondary had to be done. The first rule in bios is always raise cash when you can NOT when you need to.

Seeing the pps drop from $23+ to its current state may make you sour but if you know what’s coming you’ll load up as much as you can as soon as you can.

Jesse Livermore has been a firm believer in the volume play but even he may be understating how quickly the groundswell for V will be.

Looking ahead 2020 and beyond. (Assuming they can withstand external pressures) the GIA crowd is going to be perpetually telling the buyout boys “I told you so”

The hardest thing for JT in 2020 and beyond will be revenue forecasting.

Growth, demand in the modern digital age for a drug like V has never happened before, EVER!

When the little blue pill hit the market demand was hot and heavy. But that was before Twitter, Facebook, iPhones, you get the point. V hits the market and “surround sound” kicks in.

The likes of mass commercialization success will be jaw dropping. Each quarterly will feel like the 4th of July/Xmas all wrapped into one as pps swells

I standby JT 100%. If he was to go I would immediately panic and question my investment of many years. But JT took a left for dead company, proved the science works and now has amrn poised for billions.

If you don’t want any part of that success that follows then move on, but I for one, love the bean counter ceo and while he may not be the flashy car salesman Joey z was he is executing perfectly and what’s the old baseball analogy......”don’t say anything to the pitcher during a perfect game!”