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07/31/19 7:06 PM

#165252 RE: igotthemojo #165243

Why minimize what is being done by KBLB?

This is NOT, I repeat NOT, a company producing mundane widgets.

The plan is NOT difficult to develop. The plan is already developed. Implementing the plan to allow for quality, consistent production which will allow the company the best possible route to sustainability is the goal. And that is difficult. Otherwise it would have been done already.

Others releasing information don't care about the information being released because their goals aren't the same. Their goal is to be recognized for completing their mission: discovering whatever it is they set out to discover/make/produce, etc. That's it. KBLB's and Mr. T's goal is to take it from there and commercialize and sustain that. NOT once and done. To repeat the action over and over again. Can you invest in "Utah's silk?" Nope. But you can thank them for "getting the word out." Ok.

I believe some have stated before that scientists don't make good businesspeople. It's a good thing our CEO isn't really a scientist. He's an economist first. Dr. Kane is an economist. The business starts in the lab and is carried forward from there. That's comforting when it comes to commercializing Spider Silk on a Mass Scale.

Information is not being released by KBLB because the plan does not call for it being released right now: 7/31/19. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not. Many are right, it's not difficult to release the information. Sometimes, it's not in the best interests to do so at that time. Like it or not, only one person controls the strategy behind KBLB, Mr. Kim K Thompson. He'll let us know when the time is right to release the information he deems fit to be released.

Thanks, Mr. T!

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08/01/19 12:05 PM

#165367 RE: igotthemojo #165243

As usual MOJO, you present a logical 'plan'

I've come to appreciate this about you over the years and for the life of me; can't figure out why others don't see and appreciate this logical train of thought.

Very simple straight forward statements without all of the 'viewed through rose-colored glasses' hopes and dreams.

The KBLB technology is amazing enough in and of itself without all of the outlandish over the top adoration of our CEO.

I get it.
I won't go as far as to say I can support the constant stream of 'Idiot" characterizations or the more recent repetition of the R/S-dilution diatribe.

Sorry, no solutions; only a rare conversation with our incredible group here.
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08/01/19 12:15 PM

#165369 RE: igotthemojo #165243

Can we mark this post and come back to it on 12/31/19? I think you will have answers to your questions certainly by then. Wish you would have been at the Shareholders meeting.