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07/29/19 5:27 PM

#237810 RE: Doc logic #237809

Picture speaks thousands word Doc.


07/29/19 6:03 PM

#237812 RE: Doc logic #237809

Hi Doc. Yes, that picture resonates for me on several levels.

Firstly, it's just plain heart-warming.

And I'm a sucker for wanting the little guy to emerge victorious.

And the window it opens on further scientific promise. Including, dare I say it, curative potential.

This guy had fast-growing recurrence and no chemo. Lots of residual tumor. Along with Kat, we are seeing a potential for indefinite remission after recurrence, something we didn't know previously was there. That's exciting. And no other GBM therapy has been able to do anything to extend survival post-recurrence.

The Liau/Prins team just haven't unlocked all the answers. Because they don't really know why it works, they don't know how to make it work better, particularly for unmeth. I think they are making mistakes in their follow-up research by following the wrong leads. But hey, what do I know?!

Investment potential is some way down the list for me.

Compared to some, I consider my investment a token one, or just an entry ticket. I'm a hell of a bad stock picker.

Who knows if the Inmune NK technology could really compliment DCVax? I hope so.
Certainly Mark Lowdell is an exceptional individual with the background, the knowledge, and the vision to take to take cell and gene therapy to a different place entirely. His Autolomous venture is about accountability and efficiency, which will help to make these treatments widely accessible, at a lower cost basis.

Anything has got to be better than the ICI's. In any objective risk/benefit or cost/benefit analysis, they would and should fail miserably.

Am I the only one who is depressed by the latest slew of Pembrolizumab AA approvals, based on small, uncontrolled, open label trials, populated by patients of either 0 or 1 ECOG performance (the healthiest cancer patients around), throwing up 'response rates' in the 10-20% range, with only half of these having a 'response' duration of beyond a year. Toxicities hidden away, HPD existence denied.
In short , zero evidence that patients live longer or better.
And when the confirmatory trial shows no survival benefit, the FDA doesn't take away the approval.
Hardly anybody seems to notice or care that this is happening.

There will be a realisation eventually that it's all been a con, and what better than Direct to take the place.
It's a bit of a pipedream right now, but maybe not forever.

I sometimes think I'm on the wrong board, this being an investment board, because I come on to this in a slightly different way, I think.

My grossly subjective opinion.