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07/23/19 3:19 PM

#11996 RE: sumisu #11995

We're clearing areas to put in some structured walkways to meander among the ferns, so we don't have ivy and blackberries to trim back every few months. I heard some constant bee buzz sound coming from a hole left by removing a brick to put a fence up between our house and the neighbor's house. It looks like a hive of friendly (not yellow jackets) bees I see around the yard. We have sandy soil and I see the solitary holes all over the yard. We had so much hail this late winter that it delayed them coming out to pollinate the Cherry plum trees. The bee population is still less than last year, though we have plenty of bumble bees. I'm going to plant some more long growing season herbs and flowers to try to keep them happy. I see leaf cutters going into the cracks between the shingles on the sides of the house.