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07/22/19 2:49 PM

#155208 RE: janice shell #155207

Yup, I picked that up on the first pass.

BTW, DaWife used one of the groundhog smoke bombs several daze ago and as soon as she tossed it in his hole, despite keeping the hole mostly covered with a 5 gallon pail of water, he immediately ran ~OUTT of the hole and scurried thru the opened garden gate DaWife had entered via. As of last night, he as nott returned and no further damage to garden plants.

Ergo, no groundhog fatality and prollem seemingly solved. DaSquaw filled in his burrow right after he scooted. His extensive leaf-eating (or perhaps we ought to say his Muntreal Maple Leaves eating) gutted her lettuce crop and the broccoli and romanescu heads are still there, butt the leaves (or Leafs) are G-O-N-E and the broccoli is looking a bit pale - instead of dark green, it's now a yellow-light green. She added some nitrogen-rich fertilizer to see if that will help them recover. Unknown at this time.

DaSquaw is also buying some blood meal to put around the borders of the garden, as she read (or already knew) that blood meal is a repellant for many garten-attacking critters.

Sad news on DaBabyBunny front. DaSqauw found one of the baby bunnies dead just ~OUTTside the flower bed where the baby buns like to hide. He was nott decapitated, mauled, or obviously injured. DaSqauw's operating hypothesis is that the neighbor's junkyard dawg came to the fence (the flower bed is only 10 feet from the fence) and perhaps scared the baby bun into cardiac arrhythmia. It is nott uncommon for bunners to die of fright. Mebbe the little guy wandered ~OUTT and the junkyard dog was there and began raising a ruckus. We don't know.

However, it does appear that the ~OUTT-~OUTT dammpt tomcat killed a sparrow on the front lawn yesterday.

So when I gett ~OUTT there - that tomcat is going ~OUTT.