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07/18/19 6:59 PM

#202225 RE: Gator328 #202210

That said, it's entirely valid for investors to be critical of managements' decisions when such criticism is warranted. It's okay to say that Missling has not done a great job and that under better leadership the stock price would be higher, or that short attacks wouldn't have nearly the same impact if AVXL had the legitimacy of a reputable partne Ber, etc.

That is yours (or others) opinion of Missling, not fact. Ask 50 members on this board about Misslings job performance, you will get 50 different answers. You are not stating something that is fact. Now if Missling bankrupted the company, that would be fact and open to criticismn and damning of shareholders and subject to a Class-Action. While the verdict is still out on Missling, I think he has done a pretty decent job moving the science forward. To me, he is leaving no stone unturned (please see biostocks recent post). The straw(s) that broke the camels back....the camels back being Alzhiemers. Another fact is: you, me and everyone else on this board has ZERO idea of what Missling is "cooking" behind the scenes, regarding Anavex and some sort of partnership. You mention a lack of partnership as if you know this is as fact, when in fact its your opinion. Anavex does have a partner, its not to hard to figure out who this is. I think it will be annouced within the next 3-4 months. Everyone has an opinion, here is mine.



07/19/19 4:01 AM

#202277 RE: Gator328 #202210

Ah yes! Traders and shorts are in accord to take profits by selling stocks.
At least selling from the long side does not carry bankruptcy risk. Just tax assessment risks.


07/19/19 10:14 AM

#202308 RE: Gator328 #202210

I've said it before and I'll say it again... those who deny the existence of a collusive nefarious cabal are either naive or complicit.

Microcap biotech is infested with collusive, criminal price manipulation.