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07/18/19 11:26 AM

#149562 RE: Bad Moon Rising #149561

I agree that Verb will be a household name. I would love to see shorts and traders get their due as we should be a lot higher than now..We will see how much monkey business continues after quarterly report is out..Rory is doing his job as are all the employees ..yes we took an unavoidable dip when we went to Nasdaz..However.After a 40 percent improvement first quarter..I feel we should be a great deal higher now.if we are being manipulated we will see that second quarter..if that is so.than law suits should be focused on these traders and market makers..As a dollar cost averaging share holder I am very serious about this accusation.....we have shareholders that know it is a bumpy ride..Growth companies are that way. Rory got paid stock when the stock was a great deal higher..which in affect shows he did not manipulate the stock.We need serious people holding Verb with the intention of being rewarded long term....not losers try ing to get money from frivolous law suits...they shoould be looking at shorts and after trades are shown they will have all cases dismissed..thankyou...have a nice summer.


07/18/19 1:42 PM

#149563 RE: Bad Moon Rising #149561

If Verb alone revenue does go to $4mm and the sp exploded I’m buying a coffee mug and a T-shirt.

I’m patient and have been able to average down, but I’d much rather average up at the start of a sustained run.