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07/16/19 11:25 PM

#45558 RE: Linedrive #45557

$BNGI will Not be changing - as far as being a money maker for me since I got in on the $BNGI merger news was my guess. Let’s see how it goes.


07/17/19 6:32 AM

#45565 RE: Linedrive #45557

The eagle will land soon enough for Bangi .. This is not a short term $$ maker , unless it is one tick flip. and that is happening way to often.. Butt, No one acknowledges the Chirps when they come , but are quick to jump on the bandwagon when it doesn't Chirp every 7 days .. My guess ,is we will see yield sign gone , contracts for land acquisitions , Mail Box , to receive Mail. Same O/s (no dilution).. and one tick flips , and others with different opinions than me .