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07/16/19 12:36 PM

#161951 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Very much appreciate your efforts, LuvSilk! Thank you for going above and beyond for everyone here.

It's definitely a good start for our manufacturing purposes. You'd be surprised how many multi-million dollar operations I've run whose buildings were smaller and/or more dilapidated. IT'S WHAT'S ON THE INSIDE THAT REALLY COUNTS! I understand your trepidations about getting inside and am thankful for the pics you did get. Once again, thank you.

GLTA! Holding the Golden!!!


07/16/19 12:37 PM

#161952 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Thank you for posting this. Looks really bad.


07/16/19 1:04 PM

#161960 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Will you be there tomorrow am? Would like to know if there is any traffic into the facility. The bags looked like old garbage-did they look recent? Is the sign a banner on a wood frame? Are the locks on the gates rusty? Thanks.

Cluck Kent

07/16/19 1:07 PM

#161961 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Wow, thanks for your efforts and the great pics you took, Luv. Hope you had a great trip!


07/16/19 1:21 PM

#161964 RE: LuvSilk #161950

They are empty bags of cement

xi mang translates to cement


07/16/19 1:29 PM

#161967 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Thanks for the pictures luvsilk.

Remember that it’s in the middle of farm land in the country side. A building that wasn’t being used until we retrofitted it. Remember... we are farmers not pharmacists. It’s our first production building that is pretty massive for for our silkworms! The fact that security approached you and wouldn’t let you inside is very encouraging.

By the way Kim wants to get moving quickly I’d say there are a lot of gold spinning silk worms in there.

Great detective work!!!


07/16/19 3:18 PM

#161986 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Solely my take on this, but good Lord!

Doubt Kim wanted these to get out onto the internet...geez maybe we can rent it out to a film company for shooting scenes for a post apocalyptic movie.

Hopefully the interior is salvageable, but based on surrounding shots of debris fields and the condition of the guard shack, it's doubtful it's any better than what we can gleam from the outside. this...can it get any worse?


07/16/19 3:54 PM

#161998 RE: LuvSilk #161950

LuvSilk, your images speak volumes...

This does not appear to be an operational factory. I don't think we are raising silkworms there yet. Instead, it looks like the building is still being renovated for our purposes. If the silkworms are present, KBLB is in no hurry to breed and grow them.

One expects a lot more activity associated with what I presume will be rapid growth.

I'm guessing Prodigy is still hiring employees and upgrading the facilities.

Anyone who is at the shareholders meeting, please ask KT whether the eggs have been transferred to this Prodigy facility!


07/16/19 7:38 PM

#162075 RE: LuvSilk #161950

LuvSilk, thank you for your DD. I’m glad you didn’t go in because we don’t need you getting in trouble. Lol. It looks like there’s nothing going on there. The photos, especially the front gate, look like the same building Jon was at during the first trip (photos above on this page) so it’s possible this is the site. Did this look like it was 50,000 square feet?


07/16/19 8:15 PM

#162085 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Thank you for the pictures.


07/17/19 12:46 AM

#162126 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Thanks for the pictures.

I wonder what Kim would say about the sorry state of our "production facilities"as depicted by the pictures.

The mess around the factory does not inspire confidence that it is a manufacturing facility, it looks like an abandoned site.

Have you forwarded these pictures to Kim??
If not, would you please consider doing so.


07/17/19 3:19 AM

#162128 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Hey Luvsilk I could get it translated. Can you inbox me an email address?


07/17/19 3:40 AM

#162129 RE: LuvSilk #161950

LuvSilk, we owe you a great deal of gratitude for going out your way and giving such a candid account of what you saw!

For anybody that has not travelled to Vietnam, I can assure you that the country can look somewhat ‘scruffy’ outside of the CBDs and the 5 star resorts. However I can also assure you that this is no reflection on productivity, efficiency and the level of activity that is behind closed doors.

The country has had a great deal of poverty through the years and still does in the majority of the country but this only adds to the countries recent industrial successes.

There is an area that is a suburb of H? Chi Minh City (Saigon). It’s mainly industrial but is a manufacturing hub with illustrious tenants such as Nike, Adidas, North Face etc. The factories in this area are not dissimilar to the ones in LuvSilk’s pictures. By western standards they look dishevelled, scruffy and often dilapidated but if it’s good enough for Adidas & Nike then it is good enough for us.

In all honesty, it didn’t exactly look like the hive of activity that I would have liked but maybe Kim has hit a brick wall with regards financing and he is struggling to get the fire started. I say let’s put our trust in him, vote for the RS and hope that that is what gets things rocking. For those who say he should be telling us if there is little to no activity (or just less than expected) then you need to get real as that’s not the way this game works. Unless you’re happy with the 40-1 split instead of a 10-1.


07/22/19 9:54 PM

#163455 RE: LuvSilk #161950

LuvSilk, the picture of the open lot with the blue tarps ... You asked what might be under the blue tarps. Went back to look at those blue tarps again. Then I noticed something more important. Looked at that photo again and noticed the well arranged trees in the front of that small yellow building. It looks like work has been done on it and around it. Judging by the color and the columns, it looks like the same building Jon is in front of with others. And I wonder if that small yellow building contains the conference room with the fancy wooden sign in the wall of the room. Maybe?


08/12/19 5:02 AM

#166873 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Photos #2 and #7 appear to show the outside of the area being worked on in TRUTH’s photos. The skirt area matches on the outside and inside. This structure looks very big. The inside photos really put things in perspective. Makes me wonder if the photos TRUTH posted show them putting the new floor down in the lower roof pitch area or the higher roof pitch area. Looks like they are at one end of the building unless that is an interior wall. I see two possible doors in one photo and one in the other. Either way that factory is huge.


08/12/19 5:16 AM

#166874 RE: LuvSilk #161950

Photos #1 and #15 both have two small gray doors that could be the ones we see from the interior shots? If those are opposite ends of the building this place is massive where that high roof pitch is in the middle of the building. I wonder what they used to make here? I hope we get to see more photos. I would love to see photos of the new lab area and the interior of the yellow building they posed in front of which is also on the property.