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07/13/19 12:57 PM

#5089 RE: mrdecember123 #5082

Digital Blockchain & Artificial Intelligent fUSIOn "PAYS!"

Hi-speed "digital" blockchains provide real-time AI feedback. New R&R's governing Healthcare, billing & payments must be voted on ASAP!

21st. Century American Blockchains & AI, keeps the business of America [business,] competitive on E&M Commerce Planet Earth. And you can take that to banks & others, outsourcing hi-speed "digital" software to 3rd parties, providing Prepaid Accounts, catering to the non-banked masses.

I.B.M's Summit Tech Data can run at 200 inbound/outbound petaflops? It's no longer a question of [IF,] only when AI becomes commonplace.

Best-of-breed application software providers will fuse and bring a bigger bat to the plate, or go BUST!

Invest in best-of-breed "digital" software providers. IT PAYS!


asp42001 & beyond!