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07/11/19 11:53 AM

#119856 RE: Scumbag Fraudsters #119853

Well I've asked for clarification of that before but never get a response so I'm making an educated assumption based on a few factors.

If he's talkin' 'bout that, then there WAS illegal activity which caused investors to fork over their money. They don't have to be forced for it to be illegal (as I've previously shown).

Yes there was, but that is not what caused anyone to hand over their money. Their own greed and lack of proper DD is what caused them to hand over money.

There were so many red flags and people calling BS on so much of what they claimed to be doing while showing how Barton was issuing himself and the others shares that anybody that really spent time looking into the "company" was easily able to see what was happening.

JR and crew did nothing illegal. They made claims and even those were questioned here, dug into and missed deadlines and outrageous claims were questioned. Of course many that didn't want to question this and just wanted to blindly believe the company for the benefit of their own greed outright dismissed this DD, just as they did during the Barton era.