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07/08/19 12:20 PM

#734 RE: No-Quarter #733

...also, in the lower right hand corner of every chart on the site is a 'embed' button. If you click on it, up pops a link to copy and paste into a web page for embedding the chart/graph into a web page.

These links will not work as-is in a PowerPoint document without some modification. Here is how to modify them.

<iframe src='' height='300' width='600' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe><br />source: <a href=''></a>;

Copy and paste the link into a document (email works fine). Remove the blue underlined segments from the link as shown above. Copy and paste the remaining middle segment of the link into a new web page, hit enter, and confirm only the graph appears. If so, you have successfully modified the link, and can then save this in your MS Internet Explorer browser favorites, and link it to a MS PowerPoint document. Then every time you open up the PowerPoint document, the links will refresh.

I have both graphs and graphs/charts in a PowerPoint document I open up each morning before the trading day begins to review and plan accordingly.